Who knew?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The mouth is the fastest part of the body to heal.
It is unnecessary to stitch the tongue back together even when your child has bit nearly completely through the tissue. It will heal on its own as its nearly impossible to stitch.
The aforementioned does not mean that the tongue will heal fast enough to spare you trip to the pediatrician, a looooong night, lots of tears and NO sleep…(for mother AND child)
Any guesses who the lucky one is that is now consuming a steady diet of popsicles?

Oh NO!!!! That injury is one we have thankfully not experienced. Was it Miss Evie? Poor child! I hope the healing is quick!
Awh…poor thing. Your eldest seems like the accident prone one.
Who was it?
it’s killing me. tristan?
I agree with 2 others — Tristan seems to be the one who goes the extra mile for boo-boos! Not a fun injury!
I was thinking Tristian, but you know it was probably one of your girls. đ
Tristan… definitely…
I am a reader (fan) of your blog and enjoy reading about your beautiful family. I had this very issue with my teenage son. He bit his tongue and it would not stop bleeding for 12 hours. Being a nurse I don’t usually overreact, but after 12 hours and every home remedy I could think of I finally took him in and they did stitch it! It stayed in so well that after a week I removed the stitches myself!