The Valentines Post I Wasn’t Going to Write
I snapped a couple low-quality phone photos last night during our home-cooked yummy Italian dinner (who says Prego spaghetti sauce isn’t authentic Italian? works for us!) No elaborate centerpiece on the table. Paper napkins with hearts printed on them….not even cloth ones. No aged wine at our family celebration, but rather soda and paper straws. No heart-shaped ice cubes and we can’t even find candy conversation hearts here. Its a simple Valentines day in our house this year! And, there was more blue being worn at our dinner table than pink (gasp!!)
“What are the pictures for“, Abi asked, “are you going to write a blog post“.
“Nah,” I replied, “just taking a few to send to Grandmoni“.
I saw her disappointment and she offhandedly said, “aww….you should post them. Its Valentines Day mom!”
Then this Valentine card from Britain that reminded me of exactly why I keep this blog. …..
This was the reminder I needed. My goal this year is to post more frequent, unpolished posts with images from my sub-par camera-phone instead of spoiling the authenticity of the moment pausing everyone till I can get my settings right on my Nikon. I may have nothing eloquent to say or fancy Pinterest projects, but I want my kids to have our family journal to look back on some days accurately documenting the awkward stages, the loose teeth, the soccer games that maybe weren’t a win, and the messes behind the memories……the insignificant moments as well as the unforgettable ones.
So without further adieu…’s our little Valentine celebrations….unedited 🙂

Arranging flowers daddy got for all his girls

Cookie workshop
C and I got to steal away Thursday night for an early Valentines dinner out. Best part about celebrating early….no overcrowded restaurants or overpriced set-menus….and when they heard we were celebrating Valentines Day early, we still got the royal treatment. Complimentary champagne, roses and chocolate ganache cake!! LOVE time away with this guy!!

Gigi’s little heart-throb Jacob brought Gigi a “Jacob Bear” that she now sleeps with!!

My 6 loves!!
Couldn’t love anything more!!
And here is the MOST special thing about our Valentines Day….
After dinner as we all lounged in a chocolate coma on the couch, opening Valentine cards together, sweet Izzy leaned over to me and asked “Mommy, is today a good day to invite Jesus into my heart?”
Oh my precious girl….the day we have prayed for since before you were born…that you would come to know and love Christ as your Savior and Lord!!
We talked about what that means. She expressed understanding that we are all sinners and have broken relationship with a holy and perfect God. Because of sin, God sent his son Jesus to pay the price for sin through his death, and offer us reconciliation to the Father. Izzy told us she wanted to give her life to Christ and have relationship with Him. We talked about the security and hope that belongs to all who are in Gods family and our promise of heaven and eternity with Him. C lead her in prayer and she gave her heart to God. Her sweet siblings prayed over her and we celebrated an unforgettable Valentines Day!!
Yes indeed baby!! Its a perfect day for that!! What a wonderful thing to celebrate your heart, forever sealed in Christ on Valentines Day!!

Thank you again Mandy! You bless my heart every time I hear from you and yours!!!! Ice storm here. Not in Roswell but in Cumming to N. GA.
Thanks for blogging what was “imperfect.”
It was perfect!