‘Tis the Season
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Its been an unforgettable Thanksgiving weekend to say the least.
Our memories to the tune of “Twelve days of Christmas”
On the first day of Christmas, the flu bug gave to me…
Twelve food aversions
Eleven late night wakings
Ten loads of laundry
Nine boxes of Kleenex
Eight re-runs of “Dora”
Seven crummy tummies
Six pack of sprite
Five sets of soiled-sheets
Four doses of fenagrin
Three hours at the doctor
Two am. bubble-baths
And a bottle of disinfectant bleach!
We have each sequentially come down with the bug. Its a bad one! I dont think Ill ever be able to stomach a blue popsicle again after Britain ate one and proceeded to regurgitate it in the same neon blue shade. Evie landed us in the doctors office for three hours yesterday from which we were sent to the hospital for an ECHO. She has a bit of fluid on her lungs again, so they are just watching her closely. She needed oxygen last night and is having trouble keeping down feeds, so please pray for little missy to stay hydrated and heal as well as the other “sick-ies” and their daddy who is currently en-route to Ukraine.
So much to be thankful for! Happier moments on Thursday….before the turkey hit our tummies…
Oh, Mandy!!! (Sorry for the Barry Manilow reference.) I’m so sorry you guys have all been sick! I saw Britain & Isabella at the library yesterday looking just fine – Brit told whoever she was with “I saw my teacher.” Such cuties! Feel better! (I get it about the popsicle – Belle had a blue slushie once & it came back up purple – still staining the carpet!!!) Have a wonderful week!
OMG!!!! I am praying that everyone continues to get better and that Evie pees to get that fluid out of her lungs!! PRAYING!!!!!
Oh dear one!!! Praying for you!! Hang in there!
OH no – I hope you all are feeling better. We had a really bad stomach flu run thru here a few weeks ago…thankfully me and the baby did not get it…it was rough to watch the other have it though… many prayers that you all are better…
PRaying for you guys. THe same bug has hit our house too YUCK!!!!