The Old Has Gone…and the New Has Come
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
A month ago, a precious woman read my post A New Lease On Life.
She emailed me and introduced herself as a chapter coordinator for Project Linus – an organization that works “to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, have been traumatized or otherwise in need of a new handmade blanket”.
This sweet lady whom we dont even know asked if she could make a new blanket for our Evie.
She selected a lemon custard yellow yarn and crocheted a beautiful blanket that looked exactly like Evie’s disintegrating lovie (back in its prime). The old blankie was absolutely in tatters and the unraveling yarn was becoming a strangulation hazard!
Now to pull off a switch successfully….
We put her old yellow blanket in the washer the other morning for the “weekly wash”. When moving it on to the dryer, I swapped the old one for the new one. When the dryer buzzed, Evie raced to pull out her lovie. Her favorite thing to do is “smell” it when it comes out fluffy and warm from the dryer.
Would she notice?
I held my breath….
She hesitated for just a moment as the blanket emerged 3 times the size and plushness of the lovie we’d put in the washer an hour ago.
She sniffed
…then turned it over and sniffed again
…then triumphantly smiled and held it up for me to “sm-ew Mommy“
We had a little hiccup when she discovered a “Project Linus” tag that had been whip stitched into one of the corners of the blanket.
I told her it was just a “sticker” and removed it as quickly as I could.
She’s asked me a couple times to help her find her “fay-wit pot” (favorite spot) Im trying to convince her that her beloved thread barren corner has been “fixed”.
Does she look like a happy little “Linus” or what?
Thank you Jennifer for your generous labor of love for our sweetheart!
C asked me what I was going to do with the old one.
You can bet its being tucked away in her hope chest….so many memories!
You didnt think I would part with such a thing, did you?

Evie is just adorable…what a wonderful project! My mother knit prayer shawls for the sick in our church and baby blanket for new infants. I have one for each of our grandchildren and they are just treasures!!!
What an amazing organization Project Linus is!!!!
My daughter is a recipient of a blanket from a quilters guild in Boulder, CO…Ellyson was born 10 weeks premature (looooooong story), and the quilting guild in Boulder sews quilts for all the babies who are staying in the NICU at this particular hospital. I was immensely blessed that someone who didn’t know me from another soul would take the time to make a blanket for my precious child. No word can really express my gratitude. I’m so happy that your precious daughter also received one – isn’t it a wonderful feeling to know that someone else cares for your child?! Oh! How wonderful!!!!
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