The Long Road Back
A week and a half of travel took us on a fun journey down memory lane. After some fun reunions with forever-ago-friends, another stop as we circled back through California afforded us the chance to reconnect with yet another friend from our bible college years. Jesse is part of some of our fondest European memories, traveling with C in Scotland during mid-term break and he was in a group with me when I went skiing in the Swiss Alps after our term concluded. It was great to finally meet his lovely bride and beautiful house full of girls which of course Evie and Gigi were grateful for after endless hours in the car! Always neat to have those people with whom you can just pick right back up wherever you left off in spite of years of disconnect.
The long road back home to our tribe could not have been more picturesque. I really had no idea such a breathtaking coastline existed on US soil! An unforgettable drive with postcard scenes around every bend and curve.
And this sweet guy graciously obliged every time he saw my trigger-finger go for my shutter button. Pretty sure we turned a 6 hour drive into an 8 hour drive because of all the “vista point” pull offs we stopped at.
The highlight for Evie and Gigi was the seal beach we pulled over to check out. Literally hundreds of these funny mammals dozing lazily in the sun and wallowing all over eachother. The girls found them wildly entertaining and thought their “barks” sounded like “farts” so were of course squealing with disgust at their antics!
A few more coffee meetings with friends and supporters on the route back and an evening in Santa Barbara with a sunset walk on the beach and some sand play under the pier. Then pizza in the hotel room before bed because that’s how tired mommy and daddy were!!
One leg of this trip down. Now some family time reconnected with our big kids before we start our roadtrip across the US!!

Love the photos, Mandy! So grateful you have been having a blast. Now enjoy your family!