The Firmament Shows His Handiwork
The firmament shows His handiwork! As if some spectacular drama were unfolding, we’ve been captivated by the landscape that stretches before us, transitioning scenes every few miles.
Sleepy sand dunes cloaked in heavy mist.
Beaches littered with driftwood and frothy waves depositing treasures of the sea on the shore.
Towering Redwoods rooted deeply in the fern-laced underbrush.
Frigid emerald streams careening down stony riverbanks.
And the wonder and awe reflected in the eyes of the littles I love!
There can be do doubt that this is divine design. His exquisite creation.
The firmament shows His handiwork and I cant help but praise the ~
God of wonder beyond our galaxy
You are Holy, Holy.
The universe declares your majesty
You are Holy, Holy!
Hallelujah to the Lord of Heaven and Earth!!