Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Its big-brother’s turn in the OR. Tristan is having his adenoids removed tomorrow morning. Evie is giving him tips on how to be a good little patient. He’s pretty nervous about it, but we’ve promised him all the smoothies and shakes he wants for two days, so he’s warming up to the idea.
As promised, here are pictures from our blustery beach excursion last week. There is something so therapeutic about salty sea and sand….even when its sweatshirt weather.
Tristan hangin’ out with his cool cousin David:-)
Days of which memories are made
Mud pies
A walk with Grandmoni
Evie exploring
Im pretty sure I was made for sea-side living!

Great set of photos, Mandy. Nice work. Poor Tristan! Isn’t he on a first name basis with the hospital staff by now? He’s like Tim-the-tool-man-taylor from Home Improvement. 🙂 I really enjoy thinking of you guys….
The photos are just beautiful! I love the beach this much too! Must be a reason all of our vacations include the sand. 🙂 Hope Tristan is feeling fine. Cole had this done in August and was back to normal the next day. Been thinking of your sweet Evie. Love to you friend~
had so much fun with you at the beach sis!