Struck by Lightening
How Great is our God!!
What are those statistics that we always hear about “you’re more likely to get struck by lightening than to die in a plane crash”. We don’t know many people who have been struck by lightening, so the statistics always sound pretty good. That is until you are very nearly struck by lightening!! All we can say is “thank you!!” Thank you for those of you who hold our family in prayer and thank you God for your angel armies which placed a hedge of protection around C!!
We just evaded what could have been the worst Fathers Day weekend ever! C was nearly killed last night when a massive tree was struck by lightening and crashed down 5 feet!! from where he was sitting with one of our team members Jason. The tree took out 4 transformers which all exploded into flame as they pulled over the power lines and fell, blocking an entire intersection. If you’ve been to visit us in Thailand, you KNOW what the electrical lines look like around the city….an absolute mass of wires and cables! It is not only the divine hand of God’s protection that laid that tree down without so much as a scratch to C’s body, but it is also a miracle that he wasn’t electrocuted!!
With power out at our house (which is about 3 blocks from where the accident happened), the temp in our apartment very quickly became unbearable. We booked a hotel just down the street which we were told still had power. Through the pouring rain, we marched our funny little pajama-clad parade down the street and into the hotel and checked in, only to find out that their power had just been taken out as well. It was a hot sticky night in muggy Bangkok which reminded us of so many things we take for granted so often. We prayed together and thanked God for power….for air-conditioning….for God keeping daddy safe!
Luke 12:7
And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows
Psalm 139:16
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
While I should be shaken up, all I can do is smile. Its rare, but occasionally God gives us those glimpses into His sovereignty and his hand in the details. The clear picture I have in my head is that God’s work for C isn’t yet finished. When it is his time, C will be ready and in an instant, God could call him home, but there are purposes for which God still has C here and Im so grateful for the chance for my kids to see what could have been a disastrous situation and trace the hand of God in it!!
The wreckage is still being cleared this morning…gonna take some time to sort through those wires!

Wow! So glad Chad is safe – and such a great reminder that God is protecting you guys every day.
Love and miss you!