Our Classical Christmas
The large yellow house with the wide white porch has candles lit in the windows and wreaths hung with red bows. Beckoning you inside is a pathway illuminated with glowing lanterns and the smell of cider in the crock pot greets you before you step over the threshold. Vintage Christmas books from my childhood are close at hand by couches where cozy throws invite you to snuggle up under the sprawling 15 foot Christmas tree adorned with huge silver balls and white twinkle lights.
Here the hearth fire is always burning and the coffee pot is never empty and the Christmas playlist in the background enhances the ambiance. Mother has been at work for weeks prepping all our favorite holiday dishes and stashing away sweets in tins on the sideboard.
The door constantly revolves with suitcases and baby cribs and wrapped gifts being lugged in by uncles and aunts. The squeals of cousins reuniting and thundering footsteps amplify the constant noise as little ones pair off in twos and threes and scamper off to the trampoline or the game room.
Board games are pulled out. Cookie trays are passed around. Laughter ensues.
The Santa mugs, the sentinel nutcrackers, the greens gathered in every vase; the duchess of decor has left no corner bare or undressed. Tables are set with Spode Christmas china and linens and festive centerpieces.
Snack baskets and “pillow presents” grace beds where each person will lay their head tonight.
This….this is what home-for-chrismtas looks like!!
We’ve spent more Christmases out of the country than at “home”, and we’ve made our own memories and created new traditions as our family grows and our life has led us down distant roads. But, the nostalgia and sentiment of the season always leaves me a bit “homesick” at this time of year and this Christmas was beautifully memorable and fun to take our Eden home for the holidays for the first time!!
Grateful. Just so grateful for family. For siblings who are my favorite people. For the beauty of 4 generations gathered. For cousin-best-friends for my children. But most of all for the reason we celebrate!!
Grateful for Emmanuel
…God with us.

Grandmoni and Grandenny

Eden and his buddy cousin Roman

Everyone loves Uncle Adam

Christmas Eve

Christmas nightgowns from Santa

Obligatory Christmas Morning photo

Aspiring artist and her artsy aunt Katherine

Our lil drummer boy LOVES his drum

Cousins and 97 year old great-grandpa!

Siblings and spouses

What a big gorgeous family! So amazing you could all be together. God bless <3