Missing Sissy!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Britain got to go all by herself on an airplane with her grandparents to visit her cousin on the other side of the US for her birthday. A very big trip for a very little girl!
Evie had a complete meltdown tonight after her bath lamenting the absense of her big sister. It warms my heart even as it breaks my heart to have her missing her sweet Britain!
Awwwh. Little darlin’. Evie’s about to bust out her words…sooo close.
It’s been fun telling friends how determined she is to get her point across…determined and effective. Hang in there…
aaawwwww! That’s sooo sad and sooo sweet!!!
Oh my… what a little sweetie…
awh! pitiful pitiful! and Brit looks WAY too old with her duffel bag jetting out to LA! your children sure take after you!
She looks so grown up with her big girl bags packed!!!
Miss you, Britain!