Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Being a “single mom” with a traveling husband certainly has its downside which you have all heard me whine about from time to time on this blog. This weekend however, I got to experience a few of the “perks”.
I accompanied C on a trip to California for a board meeting. My Frequent Flyer honey has accumulated more miles than many of the Delta crew and has earned the elite status (and chronic jet lag) that comes with the territory.
The many miles he’s put behind him paid off with a few freebies:
-License to board the plane first and secure overhead baggage space before the tourists board with their camera bags, diaper bags, and life sized stuffed Mickey Mouse.
-Yellow “priority” tags on checked luggage which means your likelihood of retrieving your bag in a timely manner at your destination is slightly more likely.
-Best of all we got a free upgrade to the new fully reclining business class seating. The four-hour flight wasnt long enough!!
Admittedly, I have had a bad case of the “travel bug” all my adult life! After this however, I am forever ruined! Sitting in economy seats (chewing on my knees), shouldering through the masses in crowded airports and eating the boxed sandwiches they serve in the “back row” will never hold quite the same thrill.
Thanks for spoiling me babe!
I will say that there is not a luxury in the world equivalent to that of coming home to the five cutest kids I know and their hugs and kisses!

Aww, what a great way to fly!! I’m terrified about flying to the Ukraine to get Makayla. Thats the only thing that scares me about the whole trip!
could our lives be any more different? I think it will be fascinating for both of us to peep into each others’ VERY different lives…and even better to bond over the similarities!