Happy Anniversary Babe!
My life for the past eight years of marriage has been anything but mundane.
Six moves.
Five kids.
The loss of a baby to miscarriage.
Travel abroad
Living in a foreign culture
Multiple major medical crisis.
Laughter and tears.
Highs and lows!
A friend recently asked me if I had any idea what I was getting into when I married.Truth be told, I did!While I long (as every woman does) to make a home and put down roots and domesticate, I have always known I wasn’t cut out for a “normal” or “settled” life.My “love language” is adventure and God has woven that into every chapter of these last wonderful years as Mrs. Smith.
Dont put us on a pedestal for a moment. A harmonious relationship does not come easily. Our premarital counselors tolds us, and I quote,
“But for the grace of God, your marriage doesn’t stand a chance”.
Weighty words for this young, starry-eyed couple. They were not telling us not to marry. They were exhorting us that we would have to lean hard….very hard….into the grace of God to in turn be able to extend grace to each other. They saw what we have since discovered. That aside from a mutual love for the Lord, we are extremely different.
We were raised in very different families
He’s an introvert, I grew up with 10 siblings and thus LOVE having people around…always!
I am, umm…creatively expressive. C is so tidy, he would make Martha Steward look like a slob!
Southern Belle + California Surfer Dude = incompatible
….but for the grace of God! And for that I am so grateful!
So, shouting from the preverbal rooftop, I love you babe! You are my rock. Unshakable. Forgiving. The fearless leader of this family. Im still giddy to wake and find you by my side. Im so glad God gave me someone with dreams as big as mine. I feel privileged to be walking life hand and hand, leaning hard on the Grace of God and walking this road He has called us to!! Tomorrow we celebrate 8 years. I am a blessed woman!
And now…

Happy Anniversary!
You know… I never did see these photos… sad. Hopefully ya’ll made it home safe with another adventure under your belt. Let the fireworks continue to fly….
Congratulations! Lee and I celebrated our seven year anniversary last night. I can’t believe that we both have the same anniversary date!
I am glad that we got to know you and Chad in Charleston. I am looking forward to seeing Evie and Graysen together.
What a gorgeous couple!!! Your wedding pic was just beautiful!!
Congratulations and many, many more!!!
Happy 8 years!! Your family and your marriage is such a testimony to me! Thanks for being used by God is such big ways!!
Congrats!!! Y’all are SO cute!!!
Happy Anniversary:)
Happy Anniversary! Your blog is always encouraging to me. Thanks~
Girl, that’s a busy 8 years! I think this is one of my favorite posts, you have quite the nack for writing! Hope you had a fabulous anniversary!