Good CLEAN Fun!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Hey Columbia friends….I only have 2 spaces left for shooting Christmas Mini-Sessions. If you’d like photographs of your family to print, enlarge or use for Christmas cards, these sessions are at a special rate just for this purpose. They will be reduced price family-friendly, short and sweet mini-sessions that I anticipate will be a lot of fun! Join us one of the first two Saturdays in November to get some fun family photos! Contact me to reserve one of the last slots.
On another note…looking for something fun to do with the kiddos home from school on this dreary Columbus Day? These are a tradition in our house and the kids have a blast every year making a super clean mess…
Soap Boats!
Next, hollow out the middle…
…taking care not to do this….
If you do find that your little one is a little overly ambitious with the knife (and it becomes not-so-sea-worthy), simply use soap shavings to plug the hole.
Attach sails to popsicle sticks or toothpicks.
And if you’re like me, you’ll have at least one non-conformist child (can you guess who?) who will want to title their own ship.
Fill a huge bin with water or let your little ones spend an hour in the bath sailing their fleet of ships!
Simply shake off shavings and throw drop cloth in the washer….no laundry soap necessary:)

Great idea!! Kamryn just made the Sphinx in social studies with Ivory soap. Really cool assignment!!