Goin’ Courtin
Friday, August 20, 2010
Evie has a special little friend…
…and quite enjoys being the apple of his eye.
Better polish off your shotgun daddy!
Suitors are a’callin and he’s gonna sweep your lil’ girl off her feet!
(I mean, look at his baby blues……..small wonder she’s smitten!)

It’s no wonder HE’S smitten. She’s gorgeous and always has those beautiful bows in her hair… even with her swimsuit on. She’s quite the southern belle.
I love that she has her blankie in the one pic. So sweet!
They make an ADORABLE pair! 🙂
No kidding, he’s gorgeous! Daddy better watch out!
One look in those baby blues and I would be lost….HOW PRECIOUS!!
Love your blog! Can’t wait to finally meet you soon!
Many Blessings,
Rhonda 🙂
So stinkin’ cute!! Just showed your post to “you know who” and I got a response of “ITS EVIE!!!!!!…..and Culley” Cullen misses Evie!
Okay, he just got to see the pictures again and the kisses started. Cullen is blowing kisses to the computer screen saying “Kiss Ebie, miss Ebie, kiss Ebie, miss Ebie.” Little Miss “Ebie” so has an admirer.
So dang cute!!
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