Gingerbread and Memories
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tristan, Abi and Britain entered a Gingerbread House Competition with our school co-op. Since we try to make a gingerbread house every year, this seemed like a great chance to get more mileage out of the effort. I had grandiose illusions of a two story victorian house with gingerbread embellishments and transparent windows made of melted lollipops.
And then I thought better of it!
We opted for a simple design. Three small structures so each of the kids could decorate their own. Our theme: Whoville from The Grinch that Stole Christmas!
How is it that every year I forget (supress) what a glorious mess and time consuming project gingerbread is?
There is still a crunch of sugar sprinkles underfoot after two rounds of vacuuming. But well worth the effort….
Martha May Whovier’s House
The kids were voted first place in the competition and were so proud!
Cindy Lou Who’s cottage
Sugar and spice + 36 man hours = 2 Christmas mug prizes
(and priceless memories!!!)
Lou Lou Who’s Post Office

Why am I not surprised that your children would win first in show in a cookie decorating competition??? Oh, that’s right…because their beautiful momma can make anything!!! They come by it naturally!
Love it!!! I must know…has it been devoured yet??? I bet Wyatt would be sneaking candy pieces behind my back like crazy!
How in the WORLD did you manage with being so sick? AMAZING!! Creative and beautiful! Love you, my dear, and praying for that corner to round the bend…NOW!
AMAZING!!!! You are still doing amazing things even being so sick. I’m impressed! At least you have the Roomba! I tried to convince Ryan that we needed one the other day but it didn’t work. đ
LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh, did you make those by hand? My boys have been bugging me to do gingerbread houses, but I always buy the pre made ones because I’m not crafty!
Wow! I’m so super duper impressed! Not surprised, though! đ I’ve been thinking about doing a gingerbread house with D, which I know is a total joke, but hey…it’s all about the memories, right?!
Did you hand make all of that?
Congrats to the kiddos (and Mama) for a job well done! Enjoy those Christmas mugs! đ
Once again, you know how much we all hate you…
you’re ridiculous!
Adorable…they did a GREAT job!!