Friday Update
Friday, January 22, 2010
Zachary rested well last night. Loopy from narcotics. Conversations are reportedly entertaining with him:-)
The good news is: his white blood count is lower today indicating the infection level may be improving.
The bad news is: kidney function has not improved any. Still a major point of prayer!
Zachary underwent another dressing change and surgery this morning where doctors had to cut out more tissue that the infection continues to eat away at. He has begun wound vac therapy (which we are familiar with from when Evie’s surgical site became infected).
Zachary’s pain has intensified after this procedure. Please pray that drugs will keep that under control so that his tired body can get the rest that it needs to promote the healing process!
So grateful for the friends (and strangers) who have written that Zachary is on their hearts and that they are praying! If only he could see the rippling effect. The friends of friends who have heard and are lifting him to the Father. What a blessing!

Thanks for keeping us updated, Mandy, so we know specifically what to pray for.
poor guy. continuing to pray….wanted to see him tonight while we were there for john and andrea, but felt it was too late. Sounds like, from the day he had, wouldn’t have been a good evening to visit. Love you!
So glad to hear the good news and will pray for the bad and the pain area.
Praying daily for Zachary and his family. I work in the ICU at St. Josephs and my sister Amber spent some time employed in the ICU at Northside so we KNOW how to pray for septic patients and their tired families. Be sure to write down the funny stories of your narcotic conversations…just be sure that he does not try to give away family secrets to the staff! We have funny stories about that too. May the Great Healer continue to work MIRACLES as only He can do!!!!
I remember when Diana was also a bit ‘loopy’ from her hospital experience! If I recall, there were some PRETTY entertaining stories that came out of that, as well!
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you; I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27.
Zachary and all of the family continue to be lifted up by us in prayer.
Continuing to pray for healing and peace and rest for Zachary and all of you.
Your family has been precious to my heart for so many years. It’s an honor to lift your brother and all of you to the Father.