Extraordinarily Ordinary
There was nothing particularly special about today. But I heard myself saying to my kids something along the lines of what I remember my own mother nostalgically saying to us as kids on days like today.
“This is when Im happiest. When I have you all together and we’re just enjoying normal days and loving each other well”!
There was nothing big and momentous. Or expensive outings. Or lavish treats.
Only a collection of extraordinarily ordinary, simple, delightful, memorable, seconds….minutes….and hours that comprised our beautiful day that Im tucking away in my momma-memory-treasure trove as perfection. These are the days that I live for….that I love! Thanking God for the undeserved blessing of getting to mother. He has answered the deepest longing of my heart……six-fold!
~All 6 of my pajama-clad kiddos up on counter tops helping stir ingredients and crack eggs. Flour flying. Dribbles here and there. Spilled cinnamon. And the wafting smell of almond apple pancake.
~Tristan happily off to hang out with a buddy and all 5 of my little mermaids delighted to spend the morning soaking up rays by the pool. Lil’ Guppy who thinks she has gills. (This one’s for you Grandenny. You might have an Olympic hopeful after all.)
~100 precious fingers and toes to paint.
~Evie meeting another milestone. Her first “lotht-tooth”.
~Grocery shopping with my little cupcake…..and finding Double Stuff Oreos in the 1/2 off bin! SCORE!
~Making a stop for a little Banoffee Pie at our favorite tea shop. Just the two of us!
~Toddler in arms……library books in tow…..settled on porch. Watching the thunderstorms gather while reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar for the gazillionth time. BLISS!
We took a vote and its unanimous. Every Monday should be a teacher-work-day like today!

So sweet! Those are my favorite days too. We love to do “nothing” together 🙂