Everybody Loves Raymond
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Friendships are forged through shared experience…
…the testing of time…
…supporting eachother through change…
…mutual interest…
…and great fun together!
Raymond has been such a friend to C and I for the last decade!
We all three met at bible school in England in 1999.
Raymond worked shamelessly to set C and I up. Perhaps we have him to thank for the effectiveness of his not-so-subtle encouragement of our budding romance.
He stood by C’s side as we said our vows on St. Simons Island in the middle of a thunderstorm at sunset in 2001
In 2005 he flew from Seattle to visited us in Ukraine where we were starved for English speaking fellowship….and starved for taco seasoning, Starbucks coffee and chocolate chips which he smuggled into the country for us!
Summer 2009 he joined our family where we all worked together on a ranch in Montana.
Last week he made an impromptu visit to the deep south where we indoctrinated him with sweet tea and practical jokes from our brood….(someone thought it would be funny to put a tarantula in his bed….a confession is still pending!)
Here’s to you Uncle “Raisin”!

what a great guy. And my gosh your wedding was beautiful. And you said you lived in Ukraine? You’ll have to tell me what its like because we may adopt a child from there and I’m terrified to go there!
Gorgeous wedding!!!!
Wow, how fun! I am so glad you are all still in contact. Amazing what relationships were forged at C.wray. God is good!
Kristen (Schell) Koeshall