Anticipating Eden
With a first baby, the “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” book sits on your bedstead as the “bible” on daily survival. There are apps for tracking your pregnancy and websites alert you as to the size of your growing sprout….an apple seed….a pinto bean….a cumquat….etc. You post weekly selfies of your growing bump and savor the hilarity of your pickles and ice cream cravings. Not as much with number 7! The months sped by with undeniable intensity of the swift kicks to my ribs and pressure on my bladder, but hardly time for the nightly read on about progress. Life and hands were full with school and ministry and my work as a doula and photographer. The awe and wonder of those flutters and hiccups and somersaults inside of me is my favorite part, but Ill be honest that pregnancy is hard on me (….yes, I know….the irony)….but I vowed to try and document it better this time as I cannot find more than a handful of pictures of me pregnant after a grand total of 54 months of pregnancy!
As would be expected for a baby of our little gypsy family, his life even in utero was anything but boring…..
3 months pregnant
In Bali on my 35th birthday
5 months pregnant
Riding elephants in Chiang Mai – girls trip with Abi
6 months pregnant
On the Great Wall of China helping my friend with her adoption
7 months pregnant
9 months pregnant
Little baby-moon getaway
Ready to pop
A few days before delivery
I protested, but Abi insisted I let her take some ‘pretty’ pregnancy pictures.
…and now, looking back, Im so glad she did!
Never expected to be so spoiled and celebrated with baby #7. Once you’ve passed half-a-dozen babies and pregnancies, there is a fear that you’ll be met with the “what? Another one?” raised eyebrow from people at the announcement that another munchkin is on the way. But not with my lovely friends! They rolled out the red carpet, threw open the doors of their hearts to love another of my littles, and lavished on us so much support in the days and weeks leading up to (and recovering from) the birth of our little Eden!
Shower in A Suitcase
Even from a million miles away, my sweet sis and mother can throw a party! My brother who was coming to visit arrived with a “shower in a suitcase”….dozens of beautifully wrapped gifts from friends and family stateside all coordinated and packaged up by them. What a fun Saturday morning surprise to walk out to breakfast already prepared (blue waffles fixed by Abi and Britain) and celebrate our little man’s anticipated arrival “virtually” with girlfriends and aunts and sisters and a mother who love me well even from so far away!
The Bangkok Bunch
A very dear friend here in BKK insisted that #7 deserved just as much pomp and circumstance as #1 and coordinated a morning brunch in Eden’s honor. Another dear friend opened her apartment for 20+ friends to come for a fun morning of yummy food and some practical gifts for the little boy who desperately needed a “blue” wardrobe after a string of big sisters with useless hand-me-downs! So touched by these ladies Im blessed to call friends….women from my bible study group, neighbors, clients and team members. And thanks to them, Ive yet to buy a single diaper even with little guy being nearly 2 months old. We are stocked!
My Doula Tribe
Abi was included in my doula “blessingway” as she was ushered into her role as my birth attendant and encouraged by these ladies who have supported countless women through their passage into motherhood. My sweet team of birth-workers here, gave me a wonderful, meaningful morning of pampering and commissioning for the blessing of bringing a life into the world. These wonderful women also coordinated dinners for my family for the time I was in the hospital and a few welcome home meals!
Ready or not….here he comes!!
So grateful for the dear friends in our life who helped us anticipate and celebrate Edens arrival even as we navigated packing, and moving 2 days before he was delivered!!

Love love love this! So glad to see the pictures and all the loved poured over you and sweet Eden!