
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Ive wanted to do this for years and decided THIS YEAR would be the year I actually followed through:)
An Advent Calendar
A countdown to Jesus’ Birthday
Its a super simple “rough” design, but I was especially excited that it didnt cost me a dime. 
Dowel rod, buttons and fabric scraps were all that I needed. I had a box of old neutral fabrics, though Im sure this could be recreated with “Christmas-y” fabrics or any other color scheme!
 Sew two square pieces of fabric together with loops at the top for dowel rod.  
I just used a zig-zag stitch and left raw edges which made this project much simpler.  
 Izzy’s job was to fray the edges for me.  What kid doesnt like to pull a loose string:)  
 Four strips of fabric the length of your square will be your pockets.  Embelish as desired if you want a “patchwork” style.
 Sew the strips across horizontally at the bottom in equally spaced increments starting from the top….
 …working down…
 …through each layer…
 Now before sewing the rows vertically which will make the pockets, add any desired decorations.  Im sure you crafty people can do appliques and bling and baubles.  Evie just raided the sewing box and pulled out all neutral buttons and everyone helped.
 It WAS fun, but let me clearly state that this moment was not as picturesque as it may look.  Britain stabbed her finger with the needle and Tristans came unthreaded no less than a dozen times.  And Evie shed great crocodile tears when she lost “her favorite” button:(
 Many hands make light work?
 Now Im filling the pockets with a note for each day….something special we will do…
Open Elf on the Shelf
Drive around and see the lights at night
Hot chocolate and reading the real Christmas Story at bedtime
Decorating a Gingerbread house
Caroling at a nursing home
…hmmm?…..25 pockets are a lot to fill up:)  
Id welcome simple fun ideas if you have them!

  • Anonymous says:

    Here are a few:
    – go star gazing
    – do an act of random kindness
    – make a Xmas ornament

    …hope this help you!

  • Lara says:

    Don’t forget the drive-through nativity at Union UMC! It may be this weekend! I think your kids would love that.

  • Rachel says:

    That looks great! We just move the little dove from one pocket to the next in our calendar. Maybe we should try your way next year. I’d throw cookie baking in there at least 5 times. Making cards and delivering them to neighbors. Hmmm, I’m not too creative either I guess.

  • Jennifer says:

    act out segments of the Christmas story as a family: Angel telling Mary and Mary visitng Elizabeth; journey to bethlehem and birth in a stable; angel choir appearing to shepherds; and wise men visit. That’s 5 nights right there.
    What fun with bathrobe and towel costumes. 🙂
    Christmas cards for service members? Take donations to local Children’s shelter? (old toys– pair down before new toys come!)
    I second the multiple cookie baking notes. 🙂 Enjoy!

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