Evening update…
The doctors evening evaluation led them to give her another night on the respirator. She had a very rough afternoon and is not toleration the tube well. She;s had episodes of coughing and gagging and throwing up. Doctors want her to get a few more hours of feeds in and rest overnight before they pull the tube tomorrow morning. Pray for rest for her tonight and a smooth transition tomorrow at 9:00 when they pull it….that she will be strong enough to breathe on her own!!!
Since we put out our last email we’ve been pleased with Evie’s progress and care.
Answers to prayer:
1) The last 2 nurse rotations Evie’s had our favorite nurses.
2) An x-ray this morning showed that there may be signs of slight healing in her lungs. (hopeful)
3) She’s passed her CPPAP tests that tell how she would do if they take her off the respirator.
4) The opening on her chest does not appear to be infected.
For prayer:
1) tomorrow they expect to take her off the ventilator, pray that she breaths well on her own afterwards.
2) pray that there won’t be too much scarring on her chest and that it won’t get infected.
3) she’s very uncomfortable on the ventilator and often has fits of gagging, coughing, and throwing up. Pray that she will rest and be at peace with her situation so that they don’t have to continue giving her morphine.