Mothers Day and Counting Down
Monday, May 9, 2011
I was spoiled rotten on Mother’s Day! C and I traveled out of town (alone!) for the weekend for a business meeting and to see my family. I helped my sister address and assemble wedding invitations on Saturday and we attended a couples shower for my brother and future SIL that night. A short and sweet trip. I was relishing the idea of sleeping late in a hotel room Sunday morning knowing it would be my last chance for at least 6 months with a wee one arriving shortly. We were awoken by a little school mate calling to talk to Abi….before 8:00am….on Mother’s Day….on a Sunday morning!! 🙁
C took me to brunch at a favorite Italian restaurant. With no kiddos in tow, assumptions were drawn!
Strangers crooned over my blooming belly.
The waiter offered his congratulations on my “first” Mothers Day and presented me with a lovely dessert with “congratulations” written in chocolate on the plate.
A lady changing a newborn in the ladies room gushed unsolicited advice on raising a baby and sleep habits and breastfeeding. I smiled and thanked them all. Its been a long time since Ive been doted upon as the young expectant mother anticipating her “first”.
We went shopping for post-partum pj’s after a leisurely brunch. C knows my favorite thing is having something comfy and cute to hold court in at the hospital after baby is born!!
It was a “childless Mothers Day” for the most part, but very relaxing! Upon returning home, my little cuties presented me with their adorable handprints in cement and chocolate covered strawberries. A perfect end to a perfect day!!
So, we’re on the homestretch. My doctor has scheduled my induction for the evening of the 24th, so the birthday will likely be the wee hours of the morning on the 25th. Feeling very peaceful about a situation that had me stressed out a couple of months ago. This will mean Gabriella will be born just shy of 38 weeks. While this is new to me and not the way I would choose to go into labor, Im feeling like God has so clearly led and confirmed through many avenues that I can rest in His plan….not mine! We have witnessed so many answers to prayer through this pregnancy and been allowed to carry this girl longer than anyone expected. Im so grateful!! God again has met us and shown us His abundant mercies!
The little girls and I made paper chains today to count down the next two weeks.
Cant believe we’re almost ready to meet our precious daughter….and beloved sister!
This many more days till’ Gigi is born!!

Sounds so fun! the 24th is our anniversary!
That is wonderful. I have been following your pregnancy (trailing closely behind with my own) and am amazed that God has blessed you with health in making it this far! Will be praying for you on that date that all goes smoothly. You look beautiful!
I’m so excited for you! You look so amazing, oh my gosh!!
My due date is the 23rd…we just might have “twins!” 🙂 Ha! Can’t wait to meet Gigi!!
YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE!!! I seriously don’t think I have EVER seen a maternity photo so beautiful! I’ve seen one that I thought was nice but you are absolutely radiant!
Love you friend & so excited to meet this sweet gift!
Hi My name is Jenna and I came across your site. Evangeline is a beutiful name and she is so beautiful. She is an inspiration to all. Congrats on having another baby. I bet you and the girls are excited can’t wait untill the baby comes.
I was born with a rare life threatening disease.
Mandy, you look so beautiful!! Glad you had a wonderful Mother’s day and soon your next one will be here! The 24th will be here before you know it!! Can’t wait to see new pics of Gabriella!
I posted about the outfit I won and your site today. The new giveaway looks fun too!!
Praying for you all, Mandy! You do look truly beautiful…from the inside out!!