Slipping Through My Fingers
Bless the teachers of our school. Its kinda like the Herdmans from “The Best Christmas Pagent Ever”. Whether they pass or not, you’d better promote the Smith kid in your class up to the next grade because there is always another one coming behind!!
We did it. We survived. Sometimes the anticipation is worse than the actual event we dread s much….such was the case with the first day of school this year. Im not gonna lie, momma may have had some misty eyes, but I made it through the little “opening ceremony” speech I was asked to give at the school without making a totally blubbering fool of myself.
And just like that….she’s off to First Grade!
Its no mistake she’s with the teacher that she has! Ms R is SUPER organized and my need-to-know-the-plan, type A Evie-girl will THRIVE under that kind of tutelage! Evie has been super tired coming home from school the past two days….she’s a homebody and is content with some solitude each day, so this is a stretch. But I think in a week or two, she’ll be used to the new schedule and able to keep up. This will be good for her and I think we’ll see her grow up so much this year! We’ve had meetings with her teacher, the principal and all the support staff about Evie’s history and keeping an eye on her and I feel much more comfortable that they are aware and conscientious.
C came to me Sunday night with concern on his face. He must really think Im loosing my marbles with this whole letting Evie go to school thing because he totally thought Id dropped the ball. “Um…..Evie says she doesn’t have a backpack. What’s she supposed to take to school tomorrow?”
I very well might come home from dropping my kids off at school and crawl back in bed and pull the covers over my head, but rest assured…..I did NOT forget to get Evie a cute backpack for the first day of school!
My dear friend Lydia from Layne James Embroidery bailed me out as she has so many times before and helped me come up with a cute stylish solution to our backpack dilemma. (hard to find the boutique styles I love here in Bangkok!) She sent these to me through Tristan a couple weeks ago. All three of my elementary girls were super stylish walking into their new grades toting their cute book bags. Thanks Lydia!!
Please take a moment to check out Layne James Embroidery and Design’s back to school basics….backpacks….lunch boxes….water bottles….teacher gifts and all things embroidered and personalized! Its always my go-to place for gifts. A southern girl’s favorite!!
Another year is launched….another season begins….another chapter opened…..another lesson for me. Growing pains are hard…..but good!
Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning
Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile
I watch her go with a surge of that well known sadness
And I have to sit down for a while
The feeling that I’m losing her forever
And without really entering her world
I’m glad whenever I can share her laughter
That funny little girl
Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Do I really see what’s in her mind
Each time I think I’m close to knowing
She keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time