Picture Perfect
God speaks to me through rainbows! They represent a promise. A reminder that God is in control. He gave me one at bible school when I was praying about the guy I was falling madly in love with.
I asked God for a rainbow at our wedding. We exchanged vows on the beach in the middle of a thunderstorm. I never sighted a rainbow and never mentioned my disappointment that God hadn’t written His confirmation in the sky. Weeks later, my uncle handed me a stack of developed photos from our wedding. He had captured a rainbow peeking through the storm clouds. God was clearly there!
God painted a rainbow in the sky days after loosing our baby to miscarriage in 2003. A promise that He had not abandoned me.
I vividly remember praying for a sign of beauty shortly after arriving in Ukraine and being shocked by the starkness of the landscape…gray polluted clouds, gray pavement, gray concrete block apartment sky rises. I begged the Lord to help me see beauty in the colorless place He had sent us to, and He drew my attention to a canopy of color shrouding the city. A rainbow!
Tonight, a very different landscape. Majestic snow capped mountains in the distance. Lush green foothills and pine trees. At sunset, God embellished His canvas of creation with a double rainbow. Absolutely breathtaking! He has shown me His presence walking through the valley of the shadow and dwelling in green pastures! His sufficiency in plenty or in want!
Me and my handsome cowboy. We are digging the pioneer life. Evie…not so much! She prefers a manicured lawn to traipsing through cow pastures. High maintenance girl!
Tristan and Daddy and their boy-toy.
My little cowboy crew

You are having way too much fun without us and you all are WAY too CUTE – all of you!
Wow– you guys do the cowboy look a little too good I think!! 🙂 How long will you be there? You should connect with the Weber crew. They are near Kalispell. The kids look great– Izzy is getting so big! A real little girl it seems!!
Looks like an amazing time! Glad you’re having fun!
I love rainbows too… I wouldn’t necessarily decorate my house with them, but they bring me such joy when I see them outside.:-) They reassure and remind me of exactly what you said, God is in control and remembers His promises to us. So so wonderful!
It looks like you all were made for the west! Thank you for posting such great pictures! You are such a beautiful family!
Looks like you are having an amazing time and making unforgetable memories! And seriously, you are a hottie. You and your hubbie are darling together! I love this post, I too believe that our Heavenly Father is in everything, we are never alone. Evie is quite the princess and works hard for her title!! I’m glad you have SO enjoyed your time together, these times are priceless@
No other words than gorgeous!!!!
love that picture of you and your kids. Gorgeous, you all are… and, God speaks to me through rainbows too. it is like a love letter to my heart, every time He allows me to witness one. to me, they speak about His hope, His faithfulness, and His love for me. Wow, and about His amazing creativity to create something so lovely and ethereal. they put a smile on my face and in my heart for all of the above reasons. Not because I worship rainbows, um, silly, but because they are a symbol to me of how Jesus is “the same yesterday, today, and forever…” big sigh.