Gigi’s Sweet Shop
This post is just a tad late, but I seem to do a better job keeping up on Instagram. Follow us over there for your “daily dose of vitamin E”. Lots of Eden updates and snapshots into our crazy little life!
What to do when its 110 degrees outside every day for over a month straight?
Host an Ice Cream Social of course!!
Gigi served up a sweet shop party for her friends to celebrate her 5th birthday.
(Well ok, her fairy-Grandmother brought all the party-fixin’s in her suitcase from the US and corralled half a dozen sugar-crazed kids.) Me with a brand-new-nursing baby did little more than “pin” some ideas and let Abi and Britain help Grandmoni execute all the implementation.
As is the tradition in our family, Gigi got to invite 5 friends since she was turning 5. In addition to 5 cutie pies who donned their party apparel, we had one very dapper little gentleman who was also on the invite list because Gigi insisted that Peter had to come too!! He’s 1 and quite the little ladies-man!
Table lavishly laden with sugar sprinkles, sweet syrups, cookie crumbs, frothy whipped cream and a cherry for the top, we handed each child a bowl and let them create their masterpiece. (I did apologize to the parents for the excessive amount of sugar – especially Anya’s mom who told me this is the first time she has had sugar – ever. (gulp!!) Im so sorry! …… it could be worse I assured them…Ive been known to host parties and send home live animals!)
Oh these sweet days of pink and sugar sprinkles and pigtails and chapstick! My sweet baby girl. Always a bandaid stuck somewhere. Chewing gum connoisseur. Future negotiator for the UN, present persuader of everyone in our house. Loves nail polish and dresses that twirl. Eats rice like a proper Asian. Has been known to request an “omelet with no egg” and “spaghetti with no sauce”. High maintenance diva but willingly relinquished her position as baby-of-the-family to a little brother she adores! Loves naptime with books and M&M’s every afternoon. Eats hummus with a spoon and drinks lime juice from the bottle. Contagious giggler and affectionate snuggler. Can you please just stop growing now?!!
Hope your day was as sweet as you are little monkey!!