Good CLEAN Fun!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Hey Columbia friends….I only have 2 spaces left for shooting Christmas Mini-Sessions. If you’d like photographs of your family to print, enlarge or use for Christmas cards, these sessions are at a special rate just for this purpose. They will be reduced price family-friendly, short and sweet mini-sessions that I anticipate will be a lot of fun! Join us one of the first two Saturdays in November to get some fun family photos! Contact me to reserve one of the last slots.
On another note…looking for something fun to do with the kiddos home from school on this dreary Columbus Day? These are a tradition in our house and the kids have a blast every year making a super clean mess…
Soap Boats!
Next, hollow out the middle…
…taking care not to do this….
If you do find that your little one is a little overly ambitious with the knife (and it becomes not-so-sea-worthy), simply use soap shavings to plug the hole.
Attach sails to popsicle sticks or toothpicks.
And if you’re like me, you’ll have at least one non-conformist child (can you guess who?) who will want to title their own ship.
Fill a huge bin with water or let your little ones spend an hour in the bath sailing their fleet of ships!
Simply shake off shavings and throw drop cloth in the washer….no laundry soap necessary:)

Britain’s British Birthday
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Did I mention that birthdays are a big deal around here?
This little lady was celebrated in style this weekend!
You only turn seven once, you know!
A traditional breakfast date with daddy was a great start to her weekend of fun. Its ok with me if this is the only kissing she does for a very long time! What a super guy she has as the object of her affection!
Britain was named for the country where her daddy and I met. It seemed fitting that she should have a true “British” celebration with all the “pomp and circumstance.” I found a place not too far from us where we could have afternoon “high tea”. Laura’s Tea Room is the best kept secret in town and an absolutely enchanting way to spend the rainy afternoon on her birthday!!
This is quite an elaborate, ceremonial event if you’ve never had real teatime.
In fact, when I called Laura’s Tea Room to book our reservation and indicated that it was my daughters birthday, she graciously explained that they do not recommend bringing children to their establishment. I appealed stating that this would not be treated as a kids birthday party, but that Britain and her little friend would be on their best behavior and practicing their little-lady manners.
Which they did….
…for the most part….
Before being seated, we were escorted to the hat hall where dozens of vintage hats were displayed on hat stands, hat racks and adorning a huge antique wardrobe with a three panel full length mirror. The girls could have contentedly stayed here for an hour.
Our gracious host patiently waited while Britain and Ellie took their sweet time trying on each and every hat before deciding on the perfect one!
Once seated, we giggled and agreed that we looked like we were fit to take tea with the queen.
A Royal Wedding Birthday!
Grandma who lived in England for a time knew all the proper etiquette.
There was a tea-warming ceremony followed by a black breakfast tea. We then selected honey apricot and jasmine tea from an extensive full four fold tea menu.
Scones with Devonshire cream and lemon curd were starters followed by a three course ladies lunch complete with quiche, tomato basil soup, finger sandwiches, tea cakes and chocolate covered strawberries.
We held our pinkies up and called eachother “darling”.
To top it all off, a beautiful bride appeared in the grand old building for her bridal photo shoot. The girls were mesmerized.
Happy Birthday to our sweet and silly, tender-hearted, always generous, contagiously giggly, intently studious, gritty yet gorgeous, fierce and funny, blonde beauty. I love being mom to this girly-girl who can hold her own in a wrestling match and who looks just as cute in the UGA jersey from her Uncle Adam as she does in a Kentucky Derby hat.
Im already scheming.
Can I turn 30 again?
Or what kind of excuse do I need to gather all my dear girlfriends for tea?
Who’s in?
I SO need to go back to this place!
I SO need to go back to this place!

Britain’s Housewarming Party
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Craftsman…
His masterpiece…
The very surprised little birthday girl….
Britain’s personal interior decorator (aka Grandmoni) helping with wallpaper….
A housewarming party to celebrate…
With sweet friends gathered….
And treats to go around…
We love an excuse to have tea and cake, can you tell?
6th Birthday’s are a big one at our house. My grandfather started the tradition when I (his first of four grandaughters) turned 6. He crafted a beautiful dollhouse and surprised me for my birthday and then continued the tradition with my three sisters. Abi got my childhood dollhouse and C has taken on the mantel with our other girls. The box said 30 hours of assembly…..Im quite sure it was supposed to say 30 days!
A true labor of love!