6th Birthday Dollhouse Party
A long and time honored tradition culminated last week. We celebrated the fifth and final little-girls-6th-birthday-housewarming-party of our family! Turning 6 is a big deal around here. 30 years ago, my grandfather (who is now 97 and watching this tradition carried on to the next generation) started something special that left an indelible memory. A beautiful Victorian Dollhouse was toiled over, constructed, adorned, painted and presented to me on my 6th birthday. My mother jokes that the box they purchased with instructions suggested 40 hours for assembly. Grandpa put in 80!! Using Grandma’s earring studs to create tiny door knobs and and laboring in his tool shed to perfect and improve the design, his masterpiece exceeded the manufacturers labeled photograph and the structure has withstood now three-decades of play. Each of my sisters received the same gift on their 6th birthday developing a little “neighborhood” in the playroom of my childhood home.
C took on the baton and purposed to create the same special memory for each of our girls on their 6th birthday. Abi, Britain, Izzy Evie and now Gigi each have dollhouses that hopefully they’ll get to pass on to their daughters some day! We could have a whole little “village” if all the big sister dollhouses weren’t packed up in a POD back in the USA!! 🙁
I told her she can stop growing now! 6 years old is old enough! Have loved every minute of your little-girlhood my Gigi! Your spunk and sass and sweetness. I love that chocolate still works to bribe you to take a nap with me and that you still love to sneak down in the middle of the night sometimes to snuggle. I love your obsession with hairbows and high-heels and lime drinks and bubble tea. Our coffee mornings when all the big kids are at school and the way your hand fits just right in mine when we walk to pick them up! Your crazy mess of curls and the Fancy Nancy quote you say to me every day that keeps me wrapped around your little finger…..”I adore you….really, I do!”
I adore you too my girl. Happy 6th birthday to our little hot mess!
This sweet little dollhouse cake brought to us by Cupcakelicious U! Yum, yum, yum!! What a masterpiece of its own. Delicious lemon cake and cream cheese frosting under all that fondant amazingness! And the best part – they deliver! Bangkok friends – check them out for your next event!!

Between the photography and details of how unique (and adorable) Gigi is, I loved this post. Thanks Mandy 🙂