Sunday, January 24, 2010
So many prayers of thanks uttered yesterday. Zachary seems to have turned a corner. There is still a very long road of recovery before him (anticipating weeks in the hospital, more procedures and wounds that will take time to heal) but his body seems to be fighting the infection. Praise the Lord!!
His white blood cell count is down this morning and his kidney function seems to me mildly improved. He is sleeping more comfortably and was even up to talking on web-cam with his daughter Avery yesterday as she celebrated her 9th birthday.
We had much to give thanks for here too! Surrounded by 50 friends and family, we celebrated Evie’s second year of miracles last night with a birthday party. My parents even stole away from their vigil at the hospital in Atlanta to come for her celebration. Such a sweetness in seeing so many who have prayed and played a significant role in her life gathered to give thanks for her life! More pictures (many more!) soon to come, but here’s a teaser.
Thank you for praying for Zachary, for Evie and for joining with us in thanking the Lord for these lives that His hand has rested heavily upon!

A great day all around, for him and his family, and your beautiful miracle girl!
Happy Birthday to Evie and blessings to you all! At supper tonight, Justin shared Zachary’s desperate need for God’s touch of healing. We will be joining everyone in lifting him to the Father…and your entire family.
Praise the Lord! Love you friend!! Continuing to pray!!
I wanted to drop in – It’s been quite a while, and let you know how happy I am that Evie is doing so well and wish a happy birhtday to her. đ