Sleepless in Seattle (cause we’re too busy having fun!)
The “natives” are remarking on how warm it is.
We’ve been freezing our tails off ever since we stepped off the plane in LA last week. First stop the morning after arriving was a run to Target and pick up hoodie sweatshirts for everyone.
This 60/70 degree weather is no joke for our tropical tribe!
A week in, we are acclimating and finding the cooler climate of the beautiful northwest refreshing!
Seattle WA and Portland OR have until now been uncharted territory for C and I. I must say after the past 2 days, I can understand why so many people find living in these cities so charming. Debunked my misunderstanding of Seattle always being rainy and grey!
We brunched Saturday morning with two sisters who are friends of mine from the church I grew up in in Atlanta. Faith & Ruth and I spent a summer together in ’99 in Sarajevo Bosnia and they blame me for infecting them with the travel bug…they followed me overseas and attended bible college a couple years after me. So fun to reconnect and see them as moms and “in bloom” with a baby on the way in weeks.
Some serious Seattle treats. Famous donuts from a local bakery and fresh caught tuna….nom, nom, nom!! What a beautiful brunch spread enjoyed in the shade of their flower laden backyard.
We carried on to the burbs of Washington where we reconnected with a friend from many moons ago! Our girls were thrilled to have some room to roam on their sprawling 3 acres. Poor Gigi had a meltdown yesterday a couple hours into our drive…
“I just miss my friend Gabby….and my house….because….(sniff, sniff)…because now we just live in a car“!! We reassured her that we do have a home and that this is temporary…..but it sure did make the dirt digging in the backyard and trampoline bouncing particularly attractive! Thanks Wes and Jennie for a fantastic evening of fellowship and yummy tacos!! Loved getting to catch up after all these years!
C of course had to hit up the original Starbucks in Seattle, and buy a mug for the collection! We strolled through the legendary market and met up with friends from Ukraine. Olya and I met when Tristan and Abi were 3 and her son Kohl was one of their first friends. Crazy to be reunited a decade and world away….my how our families have grown since then!!

(Sleepless in Seattle buffs….this bar is from a famous Tom Hanks scene in that movie!)
This afternoon was one of those sweet “glimpses of heaven”. We drove to Portland for 15 year reunion of friends from Capernwray Bible College – the school where C and I met. We laughed and laughed reminiscing about the mischief and trouble that can be gotten into even secluded in the middle of nowhere on 175 acres of rolling English countryside. We all recollect it as a formative year and fondly recall the impact made through incredible teachers of the Word…..the serenity of space and time in our lives devoted to growth…..and lasting relationships that have been established through the common ground we share in Christ (and the travel bug none of us can get out of our system!!) I love these people!!
I told C, this Tour de ‘Merica feels a bit like the fun of a wedding reception….when else in life do you get to rekindle so many significant relationships and hug the necks of so many dear friends? My heart is full and happy!!