Quarantined for Christmas
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Evie’s test results are back. Another UTI. The doctor said that one of the two bacterias they found is e-coli and is resistant to both the antibiotics we treated her with last time. So, she’s on a new prophylactic antibiotic and will have to have another cath in a couple weeks to see if its cleared.
Tuesday morning we were packed to go to Atlanta to be with my family for Christmas. We loaded the kids in the car and called Evie’s Pediatrician to see if she’d take a look at her before we went out of town (Evie woke up that morning sneezing green gunk). The doctor took a thorough evaluation of Evie and we discussed the multiple infections she’s had in the last couple months. Until we meet the Immunologist, we cant confirm that Evie has an auto-immune disorder, but at best, her immune system is very compromised from repeat back-to-back infections. The doctor very patiently talked me through Evie’s fragile health and said that frankly “it just is not in Evie’s best interest to see anyone.” I was so grateful for her making that call, but still, my heart sunk. We’ve so been looking forward visiting my family…
to spending the holidays with a house-full of cousins in my parents beautiful home…
(my family with spouses and children totals nearly 30!!)
The thing is, its not as simple as bubble-wrapping Evie…its four siblings and a daddy that travels and a social mommy that carry germs into the house. The doctor said it takes 4-6 weeks of being really healthy and protected to reset Evie’s immune system. We all have to be committed to cutting out exposure and hibernating at home for a while. So, that’s our new goal. I dont know what it looks like. I wont be able to put the kids back into our homeschool co-op in January. C is trimming back his travel schedule. I’ll have to postpone her little first birthday party Ive been planning.
I called my mother a little weepy. Christmas wouldn’t look like we’d anticipated. But I couldn’t dwell there for long. Surviving all Evie has frames life in a new light. We have several little “heart friends” who’s loving families cant be with them today. Little Lindsay is in the hospital waiting for a new heart. Precious Annabelle, Hassan, and Gracie are spending their first Christmas in glory, surrounded by Angels singing the praises of their Creator in Heaven.
I am so grateful she’s with us.
I cant complain for a minute.
Any sacrifice is so immeasurably worth the joy of getting to take care of our sick little girl at home on Christmas. Will post pictures later. Our day has been simple. Quiet. (well…relatively with 5 kids) and full of blessings. We’re praying God would strengthen her in this season of rest. That this New Year would greet our little one with peace and hope and complete healing!

We’ll miss you at CC, but I’ll try to email you each Friday about our lessons. Evie getting well is FAR more important! I hope your Christmas is a wonderful one – Evie’s first! Take lots of pictures!
PS – LOVED the “Elf Yourself!”
Oh friend~ I just turned on the computer for the first time in two days…checking on Evie to see if you’d updated since going to Atlanta…what a surprise. I know your heart aches to be with your family but how far greater it is for Little Miss to have some time to reset her system. As we both know, Christmas is still Christmas regardless of where you are…the wonder in our children’s eyes is still inspiring and the Glory of the day is still magical from the moment we rise! Praying for you and for precious Evie…let’s get your darling babydoll well and then we’ll arrange getting time together to enjoy tea (in my new Butterfly Meadow teaset, of course)! 🙂
I love you~ Rebecca
Sorry you couldn’t be with the rest of the family– but glad you have your supportive beautiful family around you…praying Evie stays healthy!! Are you quarantined from phone calls too?? Maybe over the weekend we can chat!!
Love you!
Oh I am so sorry you didn’t get to make it to Atlanta with your family. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that little Evie starts feeling better soon…
Can’t wait to see pictures!!!!!