Thursday, December 10, 2009
Evie’s expression says it all.
Its the exact look Ive had on my face more than once this week.
But because Im an optimist, Im not going to dwell (or blog) about why Ive felt like crawling back in bed and pulling the sheets over my head this week as a single-mom with Chad out of the country. Ill choose to focus on our happy Christmas memory-making, rather than sharing about taking all five kids to be swabbed for strep and coming home with a gallon of pink amoxicillin. I wont elaborate on the fact that I had this same look of defeat on my face when I got all the kids bathed, good smelling, scrubbed down and happy and then Evie pooped in the tub warranting a bottle of bleach and another bath for the girls. And I wont cry, I wont, about the fact that Isabelle “gave the TV a hug” toppling it and smashing it to to smithereens so that my sick kids cant even watch the Charlie Brown Christmas special.
No, it was just a bad day and everybody has them.
But that book “Alexander and the Terrible Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day“…….I’m writing the sequel!
But with that said, the good has far outweighed the bad! We have been busy cooking, baking and merry making!
I had a wonderful night out for a precious reunion gathering of some of my dearest high-school friends. Great reminiscing and bantering from the days we interned together with TeenPact.
It has been nearly 10 years since we’ve seen eachother. We all now have kids the same age….and I do believe Miss Evie may have found her first little crush:-)
Our project yesterday…Cookie decorating with 5 little ones is a recipe for a delightful disaster. Sugar sprinkles everywhere and half a dozen kids on a sugar high.
The many faces of Evie studiously working on her cookie creations…
oh the concentration!
Might I recommend declining green frosted cookies if you visit our house in December?
You did not just take that away from me Mommy!
And Im off…leaving tomorrow for a weekend rendezvous with my sweet hubby in the glitter and glow of NYC. Im so excited!!

Evie’s smocked dress is just adorable as are all the children’s pics!! Have fun in New York…it ought to be very festive this time of the year!
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Oh, how precious to see yours, Lisa’s, and John’s sweet children all together in a photo. I’m so glad you were all able to reunite. I’m sure your time together was full of lots of laughter!
I’m sorry you’ve had a rough week. You have such a great attitude, though, despite your frustrations. 🙂
You are so amazing mandy. Stressed out and still making cookies, taking pictures, packing for kids, yourself, and im sure Chad too…AND blogging about it.
My little baby looks WAY too big. I thought she was Isabelle. cant wait to see y’all.
What a perfect post title – all I could say reading this was “oh no”…
Enjoy NYC!!!!
I love you, I love you, I love you!! If I had a gallon of the pick stuff, a hubby out of the US and no Charlie Brown’s Christmas I would crawl under a rock and surrender! Not my darling Mandy, she writes a great post, turns her home into a Christmas bakery, and joins friends with no sign of chaos around her anywhere! You’re a wonder and I hope and pray that NY will be all that you are anticipating and more! It was so wonderful to see you, it only makes me wish you were closer!
I cannot believe how old Evie looks!! She has changed so much since I have seen her last.