Obligatory Halloween Post
Its my least favorite of all holidays.
Halloween ushers in fall. This southern girl hates cold weather. I utterly loathe being scared. I don’t particularly appreciate the ramifications of limitless sugar in the house. And, I despise the color orange! So every year, it pretty much boils down to us rummage through the dress up drawer and piecing together a costume. There is no shortage of tutus and tiaras at our house, so theres always something to choose from.
Here even more so…. In an Asian community apartment complex, there’s not a lot of neighborly trick-or-treating going on. Pumpkin carving is out because the only pumpkins we’ve located here had a heavy price tag of 2,500 baht on it (about $75!!). But, as this years holiday drew close, the kids had grandiose expectations about their disguise with Halloween events scheduled at school.
Slightly begrudgingly, I went out on October 30th to the only costume store I knew of….an overpriced hole-in-the-wall with a 50% off price tag on an Elsa dress. With the discount, the imported gown would have “only” been $65!! (Sorry Evie….not gonna happen!)
I texted Tristan to talk him through the pre-teen boy options.
“No, I was that 2 years ago”
“Nah….thats ok mom”
“Mmmmm…..ok, sure”.
(…….want to guess who woke up Halloween morning and decided they didnt want to dress up?)
Abi on the other hand didnt plan to dress up. That is until about 9:00 the night before Halloween.
“I know what I want to be! Lets make a Maleficent costume!”
(Sure Abi, let me just wave my fairy-godmother magic wand and that’ll materialize right away) 🙂
Oh, she is SO my daughter. Lets wait until the last minute and then not only do it, but do it big!! (Bless her future husband!)
And being the sensible mother that I am, I totally thought it was a brilliant idea 🙂 . Im not going to lie, I didnt really mind. Because honestly, how many more years is this sweet girl going to let me make her halloween costume? I know my days are numbered!
A headband, two styrofoam cups, aluminum foil, wire coat hanger, an old ratty black Tshirt, a glue gun (3 burned, blistered fingers) and 2 hours later, we had our finished product. I think she nailed it!
And then there is Gigi’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde impersonation…..
A Cherubic Angel on Friday…
And a little devil on Saturday….pretty much sums up Gigi at a glance 🙂
This girl. My Evie….the child who spent her toddlerhood terrified of anyone who came at her in scrubs! My baby who celebrated her first birthday in the hospital and has had more blood draws than I can count.
Evie salutes the wonderful nurses and caretakers who loved on her those first tumultuous years. We thank God for the sweet nurses at Lexington, Richland and MUSC that she now adores!! Evie won a costume contest wearing this little number and landed herself a nice gift certificate to sports camp! Woop woop.
Britain as a witch and Izzy as an Indian princess. How I love the diversity among these sweet sisters. Lucky girls to have each other and to share life together!
And now………let the negotiations begin!