No Greater Joy
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
We’d seen it taking root.
Over the past few weeks C and I had noticed a change in her heart….sensitive….inquisitive….open.
Spiritually aware.
Seeds have long been planted. Cultivation and nurturing has been intentional. But mostly just prayer.
Prayer knowing that in His time, He would bring to fruition the seeds that have been sewn.
There have been many conversations.
Reflective moments.
And questions….innocent, sincere, faith-like-a-child questions.
Tenderly, sprouts have taken shape. Growth. Fresh…green….new.
Sunday night, tucking her in, she asked for her Daddy.
Shy smile.
“I want him to help me invite Jesus into my heart”.
And daddy who’s unshakable faith has weathered many storms and whose strong shoulders she has often seen bowed in prayer, took her hands and led her.
She confessed sin. And asked Jesus to make her heart clean. And gave her life to the Lord.
But no other decision in her life will have such profound implications!
The prayer we’ve prayed for her since before she was born….answered! Praising Jesus! Indeed, there is no greater joy than seeing your child choose to walk with the Lord.
Out of the mouths of babes.
And there is fruit!!
New life.
And the promise of eternity.
3 John 1:4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth“
Britain, this marks your most special birthday ever! Your new life in Christ. We are so happy you’ve chosen to give your life to the Lord and follow him. May you never loose the joy and enthusiasm about Jesus that you feel in your heart today!
Speaking of Britain and Birthdays, I forgot to share this last week.
We have a new favorite cupcake recipe in our house.
“Zebra Pudding Cupcakes”
Since Oreos are one of the major food groups in my book this recipe begs to be posted.
We made these for her class a while back and they were delish and super easy to whip up.
Start by twisting Oreos apart and placing one half frosting side up in the bottom of cupcake liners.
Save the other halves.
(or dunk a couple in milk and sample while you bake)
Select a white box-cake and prepare according to directions with a couple variations:
1) instead of water, substitute milk and add 2/3 cup more milk than recommended.
2) add a large box of vanilla pudding to the mixture
Add recommended oil and egg.
Lastly, chop remaining Oreo halves and extra Oreos into quarters and add to mixture.
After baking your cupcakes, top with cream cheese frosting:
1 pkg cream cheese
1 stick butter
1/2 t. vanilla
2 T. milk
Box powdered sugar.
Mix till smooth and creamy. Add more powdered sugar if necessary. Pipe onto cupcakes after they have cooled.
Garnish with more Oreo pieces….. (I told you I take Oreos very seriously!)
Cupcake wrappers and toppers just optional and fun:)
Serve with cold milk.
You’ve had a big week sweet girl. Happy Birthday and Happy “Re-birth”day!

Adorable cupcakes Mandy! Where did you get your cupcakes wrappers? They are super cool.
When your children open up to the seeds that you have planted, life could not be more meaningful….you are wonderful parents!
Happy birthday Brittain!!
Happy re-birthday Brittain! How beautiful!!
I’ll definitely have to try those cupcakes!!
Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing!
Truly…no greater JOY!
Heaven just got that much sweeter!!!