Keepin’ it real

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lest any of my posts be misleading that our life is a steady stream of Pinterest parties, culinary creativity and that my kids are ever-adaptable and polite, let me set the record straight.  Today was less than stellar.

Feeling like quite the Martha-Stewart-Wannabe, I bravely tried a new recipe today that came highly recommended by a friend.  A delicious, healthy, pumpkin soup.  Im not gonna lie….it was a lot of work.  But following a recipe with 16 complicated, time consuming steps means it will taste awesome, right?

Yes, Im well aware that its 80 degrees here and not really “soup weather”, but living in Thailand, we don’t wait for the weather to be right.  Our family generally likes hearty soups and stews and chili….so I thought this would pass.  It smelled great simmering.  Perfect savory seasonings.  Blended up smoothly.  Robust color.  The makings of a great dinner (or so I thought).

I got called to go to a birth before I could taste test it.  Several hours later, I sent Abi an email from the hospital asking how it had gone over.

Can I just say, I so appreciate the candor in her response.  Abi, you’re awesome!

Mother of the Year right here!!



So….”everyone said it was ok,” except HALF of the kids eating it.  And Tristan said it was “kinda good“.  A glowing review indeed!  Humbling to know that my youngest food critic went running from the room and that Izzy hates it a bit less than Evie hates it.

Im a winner!

Guess Ill be serving up Kraft mac-n-cheese tomorrow and steering away from creative and nutritious.  After that raving review, give me a shout if you’d like the recipe.

……or better yet, just come eat our leftovers! 🙂



  • Lara says:

    Hilarious!! And I wanted you to know, just under your FB post was an ad for Martha Stewart!! Makes sense to me! Miss you, sweet friend, and love watching your life vicariously!

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