"Ive Still Got Sand In My Shoes…"
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Shaking sand out of our shoes and packing up a treasure trove of happy memories tonight.
Friday afternoon, we pulled the kids out of school at lunch time.
The school secretary played along and said “good luck at the doctor” as I walked out the door early with the kids grumbling that they were going to miss PE class; their favorite.
It wasnt until they got in the car and noticed the beach toys and boogie board packed that they unraveled the mysterious early pick-up from school.
A chorus of delighted squeals erupted from the back seat!
We have a friend who owns a hotel down in Myrtle Beach and has graciously made it available to us a number of times. We jumped at the chance for one more kiss of summer sun. What a blessing!
We’ve soaked up sun, laughed a lot, eaten junk food and just enjoyed togetherness as our little family. Long walks, shell collections, late nights, lazy mornings. Blissful vacation!
This was Gabriellas debut trip to the beach. My mother tells me I took my first steps at the beach. A love for this place runs deep. Im proud to say, another generation loves the seashore!
The guys dug trenches, rode waves and and threw the football for hours….
Mommy got to play “dress up” with her girls for a photo shoot I was asked to do for Dayspring Dresses and Nana Rose Designs. A fun new coordinating line that was super-fun to shoot with the beautiful backdrop of the beach.
Family photo shoot = Fail!
Why is it that I love photographing other families, but doing my own stresses. me. out!?
Oh yeah, because I belong BEHIND the camera!
This photo cracks me up. This is what we got after an hour and a half of getting everyone showered, dressed, hair combed, etc……a cranky baby and 5 tired kiddos after 6 hours straight on the beach.
Dont they look happy?:)
Oh well, there’s always next year….
My gifts list for this week:
Sand between toes
The smell of Banana Boat lotion
Strong hand of my beloved in mine
Falling asleep to the sound of waves crashing on the shore
Little freckled noses (Izzy calls freckles “sprinkles”)
Last kiss of summer sun on shoulders
Giggles from frolicking children carrying across the dunes
Salty sea spray
Last light of day reflecting off of tidepools
The pitter-patter of little feet that leave such profound imprints on my heart!

What a great idea! That was probably the most helpful doctors’ appointment ever!
You know how to make a girl jealous. Looks like you guys have a blast, nice to get away once and awhile. You know I love all your work, but that last shot is amazing!
I have lived near the beach all my life and you certainly captured the blessing of being there in your words and your pics. I loved all your photos but I agree with Kelly, the last photo was my favorite.
Fun and precious!!
I’m so glad you all had such a good time!!
I ADORE these pictures. Man…it makes me want to hurry up and have a bunch of kids! 🙂 they are adorable my friend!! Glad you had such a fun beach time