Homeward Bound
I’m up and packing this morning for a grueling 36 hours of travel back to the US. God has bathed this trip with His presence and I leave with a full heart and much to ponder. I miss my babies tremendously though and my arms are aching to hold them! Glad to be homeward bound!
Some prayer points if you would:
Thank you for your faithful concern for my brother Zachary who is still under precaution in the hospital. It is one-step-forward, two-steps-back some days. He has come so far, but tires very easily. Yesterday he spiked a fever which could be indicative of infection, so they are monitoring that closely. He continues to fight dehydration and his magnesium levels are low. So goes the dance to let his body heal while constantly adjusting meds and supplements. This morning (Tuesday) he will undergo a dressing change on the wounds without anesthesia. After nearly a half-a-dozen of these in the OR, this will be the first at his bedside and will likely be very painful without anesthetic. Major point of prayer here!
Heart Hospital:
I will have the opportunity to visit the local heart hospital here in Chennai before I leave today. Obviously the quality and availability of care to our Evie is of great concern as we contemplate moving here. I shot an email to her wonderful cardiologist as soon as I heard we would get to see the specialty hospital and he quickly responded with a slew of questions to get information on. Pray for this meeting and clarity for my heart as this remains an obstacle to my peace of mind.
My sister-in-law checked in on our house and the heat is not working. Can I just say that this southern soul is not looking forward to giving up the 85 degree weather for a frigid winter storm and dealing with service men on top of jet-lag after two days of travel? Pray for expedited conclusions and an easy, inexpensive fix!

Praying!! You are loved!!
thanks for keeping us updated 🙂
ups sorry delete plz [url=http://duhum.com].[/url]
Wow– so amazed at all you saw. If you move to India I promise I’m coming to visit. It is my dream to go there!! And you are a good reason to go! 🙂 I can be your mother’s helper for a couple weeks! 🙂
Wow, you have a lot going on in life right now. It has been such a long while since I have checked in. Sorry about that. I will be praying for you… God has a remarkable way of giving confirmation, and of giving His peace… and of providing when He asks us to do something. God bless you and your family as you journey this path of stretched faith…
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