Heaven is a bit sweeter
Monday, October 6, 2008
Its been a rough week on this side of eternity. Two of Evie’s little heart sisters, Isabella and Gracie have gone home to be with the Lord. I have cried many tears.
I remember a conversation C and I had the day after Evie’s diagnosis sitting by her bedside, listening to the beeping of monitors, awaiting surgery. Her prognosis was not good. We were told repeatedly that she was a very sick baby and very unstable. I remember talking about a funeral.
A funeral for our baby.
Its a conversation that parents should never have to have.
So I have wept this week…for the siblings now without a baby sister.
…for the grandparents who have lost a grandchild and cant bear to see their own children sustaining such a loss.
…and for the parents of these precious little ones – forever changed!
I grieve.
I ask why.
I hold Evie a little tighter.
But this I know…Heaven is a little closer today. Eternity is a reality as we have prayed for Gods will in these precious lives. The Lord has seen fit to usher them home. We know there are no more tears, or pain, or heartache. We resound…”well done, good and faithful servants.”
God is glorified in these lives well lived.
Missions accomplished.
Heaven is a bit sweeter today.
Evie’s favorite positions to sleep in these days…cute little tush up in the air…snuggled in her very favorite blankie – thanks Auntie Jo!!