False Alarm
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Thank you to all who prayed for a seamless day.
For peace in the midst of trying circumstances.
She was even sound asleep in my arms waiting to be wheeled away. I think we covered every possible scenario for what could potentially go wrong and bathed it in prayer. ….Did we forgot to pray that it would actually go through?
One of the physicians failed to show up until an hour after the procedure was to begin. By which time, our Pulmonologist needed to cancel because he had office hours and patients waiting.
We can laugh at the situation already. Such is life with little Evie – nothing ever goes as planned. Perhaps she’s not as healthy as we thought and God has spared us surgery today to give her body more time to heal.
They have rescheduled for the 15th. This means the little princess will be waking up on the morning of her 1st Birthday in a hospital, sore from surgery, coughing up blood from the trauma to her airways, with a PH probe in her nose and a halter monitor strapped around her chest.
…but we will celebrate….it may be later, but she will have her cake…and eat it too!!
All decked out in the goofy scrubs, ready to roll!

Oh Mandy! How frustrating! I’m so sorry about your morning, and sorry she gets an instant replay on her birthday!! Praying for you, my brave friend!! Love~
Oh that is frustrating. Things happen for a reason. I am sorry she will have to spend her first birthday in a hospital. Still praying.
oh no! not eat and get up super early twice in a month…ugh. i am so sorry. there is a reason i’m sure though…
Oh, this sounds all too familiar, Mandy! We tried to have an MRI done for Bryan about 3 times before it finally happened. Tomorrow he goes in for his 4th surgery of his little 2 year old life. It’s an out patient, nothing like heart surgery, surgery, but I know what you mean about it not being easy to be away from them. Praying for your family, Kelly Ludington