Exception to the Rules
Friday, October 10, 2008
Evie, our miracle baby.
The child has defied all odds and broken all the rules…why should a trip to Babies R Us be any different?
Yesterday I tried to return a pair of feety-pajamas that were given to her months ago. Because she wears a pulse-oxygen monitor on her toe at night, her little feet-sies have to be accessible. I didn’t go into all that, but just requested an exchange at the Customer Service Desk. The sales associate kindly told me that without a receipt, no exchanges were allowed.
Thats the policy.
Ok, I thought. I’ll just save it for a baby gift for a friend.
But then my mom called…in typical “perfect-mother-timing”. I told her my frustration. As the baby of four sisters, the hand-me-down pj’s are getting a little worn and I wanted to get Evie a new pair.
“Honey,” she said, “You go back and start with January first 2008 and show her Evie’s little scar and explain what a pulse-ox monitor is and help her understand why they need to make an exception.”
So I did. The poor sales rep!! I tried to condense it to the Readers Digest version, but it was clear by her glazed expression that I lost her somewhere along the way.
“Just a moment.” she responded, “I’ll need to check with my manager”.
A long pow-wow followed in hushed tones in the corner while I stood there looking like a flake. And Evie of course is babbling and looking like the picture of health!
Incidentally, the manager was very accommodating and we walked out of the store with a new pair of pink foot-less pajama’s.
Oh Evie…you are a high maintenance girl!!
Bathtime…just the sweetest part of my day!!

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. And thank you for the family compliment. That was super sweet of you. You are MOST welcome for my linking to Evie’s story. I found you thru Rebecca and Angel Annabelle.
Evie is about a week and half older than my baby girl Lauren (1/28). I cannot even imagine going thru what your family has, but my heart and prayers go out for you all. If I can link to your site and have someone else send a prayer up for your family then I will!!! Evie is such a beautiful little girl – all of your children are!!!
Amanda in SC
My what an adorable little girl. That story warmed my heart…aren’t mothers wonderful? My mom has saved me through many of those moments.
God bless you…I will be thinking about little Evie.
I saw her on my friend Amanda’s blog, who just happens to be the commenter before me 🙂