Doula Bangkok – VBAC after 2 C-Sections – Sun
The vbac went beautifully. My doula, Mandy, came when I felt I needed her help. We labored with her for an hour at home. She rubbed my back with aromatic oil and did massages to distract me during contractions. We chatted in between as I controlled my breathing according to the hypnobirthing book she lent me. Then my water broke, which was about 6 hours after contractions had started. Mandy noticed that my water was not clear, indicating that meconium may have been in the water. At her recommendation, we went right away to Bumrungrad Hospital despite the heavy rain storm outside. When I checked-in, I was told I was 9 cm dilated. The doctor came soon after that and said I was 10 cm and ready to push, which my body was already doing. The baby’s head came out and he opened his eyes, but didn’t cry until his whole body was out. While applying skin-to-skin therapy, I was able to nurse him from his very first moment of life outside the womb. So precious!
The whole labor AND delivery process, from the start of contractions at around noon until 9:30 pm when he was born, was only about 10 hours. My baby was skinny (being 39 weeks) but long and heavy. He was 56 cm long and weighed 3.840 kg. My doula took pictures of us. That was a nice touch.
No drugs or medical intervention were needed (except for a local anesthesia for stitches from tearing). Praise God! It was such an answer to prayer. Mandy was so wonderful and so helpful, not at all hesitant to support this vbac even after my two caesareans. The doctor told me I was his second patient who wanted a vbac after two caesareans. He helped us both succeed. It can be done!