Charleston Recap
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Evie and I spent the day in Charleston on Friday for ECHO’s and EKG’s of our hearts. Pretty funny to be run through the same racket together.
Two for one special!
The picture sums up how Evie felt about getting up at “dark-thirty” to drive to another city for a day of poking and prodding in the hospital….
First off, we are so grateful for the prayers lifted on our behalf. The doctors painted such a grim picture when I began this pregnancy. My midwife group told me they couldnt touch me with a ten-foot-pole and referred me to high risk specialist. Our doctors discussed likely bed-rest….possible emergency surgery….whether the baby could be sustained if I was on heart-lung bypass…..viable age they could take the baby at….
Scenarios that all posed great risks for me and baby.
Yet again, God seems to have overridden medical projections.
Friday was half way through the “critical” phase of my pregnancy. Between 22 and 32 weeks, a mother’s blood volume is increasing so rapidly that they anticipated seeing further growth of my aortic root by this point. There has been no change at all!!
What a very direct and evident answer to prayer this is. Thank you Lord!
If all continues to hold steady, we are on track to deliver our little girl in about 9 weeks. The doctors feel it prudent to deliver her a few weeks early so that delivery of a smaller baby will put minimal strain on my heart. Pray that she is “well done” by 37 weeks and that my heart will continue to sustain this pregnancy!
Evie girl continues to stretch my faith and trust. ECHO revealed that she’s had a bit more dilation in her aortic root. Its minimal. Her doctor is not terribly concerned.
I am.
Its not a lot, I know. But three times now, they have charted increase in this measurement. I just start projecting and realize that if the trend continues at the rate its growing, Evie could be in the “red zone” in a very brief time.
We discussed a blood pressure medication they could try. But the concern is that once she starts, she’ll be on it the rest of her life and the long term side-effects are unknown.
I know its a matter to give back to the Lord. Its not mine to carry. To worry. To anticipate. To try and fix.
But oh how I try!
Ive been a bit grieved the past couple days just by the reminder that her heart is never going to be “normal”. Its a slap of reality that no matter how perfect and healthy she appears and acts, there still may be major obstacles in her future.
She’s still got mountains to overcome and odds to beat.
We have it so easy, I know. This is not insurmountable. We have heart friends who are on transplant lists. Hospitalized for months. Battling daily for their lives.
Our days are full of a life-loving, energetic, bouncy, sassy three-year-old. I am SO thankful!
Fear threatens that joy.
Worry dilutes praise.
Its a choice. A choice to live in eucharisteo….relentless gratitude regardless of circumstances.
I pondered much this weekend….a perfect weekend. Filtered summer sun on our dock. Little ones exploring waters edge. First plunge in the frigid lake. Slightly sunburned shoulders. Rosey cheeks. And Evie in the center of it all giggling and squealing with her painted pink toe nails dabbling in the water.
After baths Sunday night she was sitting on the counter in her white night gown helping me fix dinner. I looked over to see this…
So thankful for unkept curls…
….the smell of Johnsons baby wash…
….the gifts that each day bring with my Evie girl…
….the opportunity to trust Him more fully because of her!

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Great news for you and Gabriella! Praying for Evie, it is so clear how God has had her little life in His hands over the last few years..can’t wait to see how He uses her…and you as you walk through the fear and trust God as a family. We love you guys!!!! Cute pics!!!!
I’m not sure why but this post really resonated with me and brought tears. They are so precious, so tender, and they teach us everyday.
Thanks for sharing Mandy!
This one brought me to tears too! I hear your heart friend. I completely understand. Know that we’re praying for your sweet Evie girl AND you and Gigi!!
So glad to hear about you and Gigi! We’ve been praying! I feel the same way about Lorelei as you do Evie. I cannot believe how they have grown and honestly to look at them, they are normal toddlers except for that silver line that pops up over their shirts every once in a while that makes you realize what they’ve been through and what might be to come. Love you friend! I am so glad He brought us together! Hugs!
Mandy I miss you. Reading this post was awesome to catch up on you and your baby girls. I am delighted to hear about your pregnancy (what a great name! Did you know Gabriella was one of our babies’ names?). And now I am reminded to be praying for Evie. It touches my heart to read the truth from your heart and see how He is near to you in it all. Thank you for your authenticity and for your courage in your walk of faith.
I just finished reading One Thousand Gifts too! Amazing. Would love to catch up more. Love you!
Oh Mandy – my heart breaks for you reading this update and seeing the photo of precious Evie. I know, as you do, that God has a plan. His plan is in place; it’s us who go day by day trying to figure it out and walk the walk. All we can really do is “storm heaven” with our prayers, and remind ourselves that God IS Good. I’m praying for continued strengthening of your heart and a safe delivery of little Gabriella.
Love & Hugs
Thank you for this beautiful post. Your words are inspiring after a long day!
Mandy…so thankful all is well!! Hope it all continues for both (all 3) of you!! Loved Evie’s pics…you can see she is slightly not loving the hospital day yet she is being so grown up about it all. She’ll soon be the big sister. Bless her heart…literally!!
The tulips and all are just lovely…you have such gorgeous weather,…how fun! Swimming already…wow! I’m a little envious. Enjoy!!
You always put into words exactly how I feel, and you do it so beautifully..
I’m so glad you got good news from your ECHO. I’m talking Bela in next week and it is not ever a fun day.. I dread it all week before we go! But like you said, they allow us to trust more fully in God and his plan..
Thank you!
precious photos and precious thoughts!! We will continue to pray and SO glad God is providing! You are one of the cutest preggo ladies EVER!!