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Thank you Abi.
Thank you for coming home last week and saying you’d been sitting in Starbucks looking over old blog posts and laughing at the memories of the antics of when you all were young. Thank you for reminding me that I haven’t been blogging recently and telling me that I should. Thank you for the prompting to keep up the chronicle of our crazy chaos. To document our days and to leave this little legacy of shapshots and my discombobulated stream of consciousness for you all to one day look back on.
Today is the last day of September.
The month we took a deep breath and plunged into at the beginning of the month feeling a little overwhelmed!
We made it – whew!!
A big event this month deserves honorable mention….my mom and dad’s 50th wedding anniversary. We had a precious gathering of siblings and spouses for a nice dinner before moving to a venue for a dessert reception in Atlanta honoring them and their half-a-century together.
There is nothing my kids love more than time with cousins. In fact, totally unplanned and unprepared for, when we left the reception, we ended up with our big kids cramming in the car to go home with their Atlanta cousins and our backseat full of a gaggle of little girls coming to Columbia for the weekend.
We get suckered in every time.
These girls adore each other!
September is birthday month for Britain and I. We spent last weekend in Charleston with my sister who just moved down from up north where she and her husband have been residing for the past 5 years. Thrilled to have them a day trip away in our favorite US city, and so happy for them to have a view of the coastal marsh instead of the eternal winter and drab snow in Wisconsin!
Aaahhhh the beach! It does my heart good. every. time.
Eden was happy as a clam deep fried and battered in sand!
Clearly, he’s a Smith!
And that man-bun just kills me!
Kids got in some surfing practice with their daddy and some peppering with Aunt Di!
My sweet sister made us dinner and my favorite dessert – tiramisu!
Seriously the best way to spend a birthday.
My mom says I took my first steps on the beach.
First kiss on the beach.
Got married on the beach.
Its my thing.
And someday….someday, I’m gonna have a little shack on the beach and grow old and wrinkly with a seascape in front of me.
But until then, Im pretty content with this view! My handyman hubby built me my dream porch bed. A huge queen-size, handmade (drew up the plans himself!), teak wood southern charm farmhouse porch bed. Its like a porch swing, only…. not. Big enough for Sunday afternoon naps, stargazing, thunderstorm watching, reading and snack time every day with Eden and even board games with a whole mess’a kids seated on it.
Quite possibly my favorite gift ever!
I asked Chad if it was social acceptable to find his wife still in bed when he comes home from work….so long as its the porch bed??
“If you need me kids, this is where you can find me!”