Friday, March 14, 2008
After flooding your inboxes for weeks, we apologize for not giving an update before now.
Thank you for praying so faithfully for us. We were overwhelmed by the outpouring of emotional support and encouragement from so many. Its hard to describe such a “mountain top” experience as we sensed the closeness of the Lord in a new way even as we walked through the valley of the shadow of death! It is said that “happiness is only realized in the face of unhappiness.” We have had the chance to view life through a different lens as we came so close to loosing our little girl. It has brought much into perspective for us and we are aware more than ever before of our many blessings!
Evie is doing remarkably! We’re encouraged by the daily progress we see as she begins to gain back the adorable “pudge” that graced her cheeks when she was first born. Coming home after the surgery she had dropped to just over 7 lbs. We were pleasantly surprised when she gained 2 1/2 lbs. in her first 2 1/2 weeks home – our little heavyweight champ weighed in at the pediatrician at 9lbs. 8 oz. Even the doctors were impressed with her rapid gain!
The only immediate concern at this point is her rapid heart rate (150 bpm even when she’s sleeping). Some tests are being evaluated to get to the bottom of why that is. A possibility is anemia due to the blood transfusions she had while in the hospital. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and that we will be able to get it under control. Other than that, she’s right on target developmentally smiling, cooing and trying to talk back to us. She sleeps with two monitors that alarm if there is a problem, but is free of all the wires during the day.
We have remained fairly sequestered as exposure to any germ or infection poses a great risk for Evie, but she got her first round of immunizations last week and the doctors are going to let us begin venturing out soon. Evie is closely monitored on a regular basis by both her pediatrician and cardiologist. We love the Doctors we’ve been paired with here in Columbia – another answer to prayer!
C is home from Ukraine and our car is en-route somewhere between Holland and here. We’re settling into Columbia and embracing a new groove, new church, new friends and new routine as we build a life in the States. Will try to keep updates on our website ( We have seen the wonders of the Lord and been touched by His healing hand. May God be given all the glory in this little life!
With gratitude, we thank you for loving our family through this!
Happily reunited