Friday, November 20, 2009
Our THIRD Fabulous Friday Freebie is a
Gift Set from Nicole’s Nursery
One lucky, baby-loving winner will be the recipient of a girl or boy themed Gift Package of 3 Lovely Burp Cloths from Nicole’s Nursery.
My third-born was mere weeks old when we had to attend a wedding of a friend. I nursed her in a quiet room above the sanctuary during most of the service and hastily burped her so I could make it down for the reception. The bride, a good friend, thought it would be fun to get a picture with the youngest member of their wedding party. Handing baby-dearest off to the beautiful bride apparently jostled that little bubble out of my baby’s tummy and with it, half of her feeding.
Yes! Onto the bride! Just the hem of her dress, but…still!
Perhaps I would not have been so mortified if I’d had a fashionable, plush burp cloth to apologetically hand my friend. But alas, I found myself scrambling for paper napkins. Learn from my mistake ladies! Every new mom needs a set of these!
But should your baby be out of that lovely stage, there is something for everyone at Nicole’s Nursery. Specializing in custom designs and bubbling with creativity, Nicole’s Nursery can outfit your little tyke…or your little turkey.
Contact Nicole’s Nursery with a specific request or browse their adorable assortment of hooded towels, nursery decor, applique onesies, bibs and burp cloths. Nicole’s Nursery also designs fashionable waterproof tags for labeling all your diaper bag contents before sending your little one to the MOPS nursery. Sure beats writing their name in permanent marker on everything! Check out their adorable listing for custom patchwork skirts or contact them if you have something specific in mind! And what would a boutique be without an assortment of pillowcase dresses? The lovely selection at Nicole’s Nursery, will leave you longing for spring!
Shop Nicole’s Nursery this week and enjoy a 10% discount off your entire purchase! Don’t forget to mention Fabulous Friday Freebies and your discount will be refunded after the transaction is completed.
You can leave up to 4 separate comments to increase your chances of winning the Gift Set from Nicole’s Nursery
The game rules are as follows.
(does not have to be in the following order).
For 1 entry:
Leave me a comment with your name and your favorite item from Nicole’s Nursery. Remember to include your email address so I can contact you if you win!
For 2nd entry:
Tell me about a time you wish you’d had cute burp cloths (like my wedding fiasco above) Leave a NEW comment with your story.
For 3rd entry:
Become a fan of Nicole’s Nursery on Facebook. Leave me a NEW comment telling me you are a fan.
For 4th entry:
Make a purchase from Nicole’s Nursery with a 10% discount and leave me a NEW comment telling me what you bought.
The winner will be drawn by a third party and announced on Wednesday on this site. Good luck and happy shopping!

I love the pinkbrownflower nursing cover.
fb fan of nicoles nursery. amy bolda pugmire.
we went out to eat with some friends we hadn’t seen in a while and they were meetin my daughter for the first time. My friend was holding her and then she spit up everywhere and I thought I had packed some burpies but hadn’t.
Love the name of her company 🙂 My favorite item is the Green and Yellow Pillowcase Dress! So spring/summery!
When I was younger and watching my little brother as a baby, he would always spit up on me! I wish I had a burp cloth! 🙂
Michelle Berry: I Like the burp cloth.
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Michelle Berry: It always seems to happen right before church, pictures or some big event.
Michelle Berry: Facebook fan
Love the green & yellow pillowcase dress.
It would just be nice to have a cute burp clothes for any situation that I might find my self in.
Lani Wilkinson
I like the Blue Calais Waterproof Combo Set
Lani Wilkinson
Recently there have been SO many times that I wish I had cute burp cloths… with my little 4 month old he spits up so much that I am usually scrambling to find anything to catch it, usually I just end up with a really wet shoulder! But I would actually give the burp clothes to my sister-in-law who is expecting!!!
cindy barriga: I love the turquoise nursing cover.
I would love a pillowcase dress. sooo cute. susie tilleman
Sherry Winckel _ I LOVE the funky christmas skirt!!
Sherry Winckel
I should carry burp cloths with me everywhere. If I hold a baby, it spits-up on me,without fail. Might as well have a cute one right?
cindy barriga: I wish I had a cover when I was out with family, it always seems to just spill out when we are with family never alone at home.
cindy barriga: FB fan
Kim Lambert.
I really like the green and yellow pillowcase dress!
Ruth PRivitt
I like the funkychristmas dress, but which grandaughter would i give it to????
I love the baseball hooded towel. So cute!
Sarah Tadje: The time I most needed a burp cloth was at church one Sunday when my baby boy spit up ALL over my brand new black shirt.
Megan Larsen. I love the Thanksgiving Patchwork Outfit!.. TOO TOO cute!
I wish I had one of those adorable burpies at my little ladies Blessing.. oh goodness. I had to whip out my yucky stained one, and I just felt stupid!
I love the lampshade, the nursing cover, and the burpies.
oh my goodness those things are cute!!! I am expecting and so is my sis-in-law! I want to get a nursing cover up for both of us!
New facebook fan of Nicoles Nursery!
If I wasn’t carrying a burp cloth with me, then I had to use the blanket, so I usually tried to have one.
I like the retro burp cloth set
I like the baseball hooded towel
Candice Perez
Candice Perez: I don’t have a burp cloth story, because I don’t have kids yet. Although I am sure my nephew may have spit up on me.
Those little dresses are all so cute!
I love the The So Soft Swaddler.
Nichole Seiler: THe vintage pik dress is cute
Nichole Seiler: Fan of Nicoles Nursery
Nichole Seiler: I would love those cute burpcloths for anytime my kids were messy or made a mess
I like the brown/pink or brown/blue burp clothes.
My brother was holding my 2 month old shortly after a feeding. He held her up in the air over his face and burp out it came. It was hilarious (for us bystanders) to watch.
I love all the cute burp cloths.
My oldest son used to spit up(if you can call it was a ton) on everyone that picked him up. I tried to warn people, they didn’t believe me at first, but they caught on quick. I always felt terrible and wished I could help clean them up with something a bit more presentable than the large towels I used to carry around.
I would get one of the burp cloth sets for a boy or one of the tags for a diaper bag!
Kelli Kegley
Just became a fan of Nicole’s Nursery on FB.
Kelli Kegley
I was holding my best friends little girl and stupidly doing airplane with her after she ate. She, as most would (!), lost her supper on me. I would have loved to have something to wipe it off!
Kelli Kegley
I would probably put it toward a tummy tub, even though they are out of stock. Or I would get the monkey hooded towel. So cute!
I love the pink and brown burp cloths!
About two weeks ago, my son was 3 weeks old, and I cuddling with him. My sister-in-law told me an “awesome” new way to burp a baby. You put you hand at the small of their back and sort of gently squeeze their sides while applying pressure to their spine and pushing up toward their neck. I guess it kind of tickles them, they squirm, and out comes the burp. Well, our baby hadn’t eaten for a while, but he always has toots, so I thought I’d try it out. I gently squeezed, pushed up, he wiggled, and out came the spit up. It projectiled across the couch, completely missing the baby and me. This is a relatively new couch. So I had to scramble to get a burp cloth and then I had to clean the fabric of the couch. I don’t use the tickle method very often any more.
love the pillowcase dresses
aww! I love the Green and Yellow Pillowcase Dress
Anne Molino
anne molino at hotmail dot com!
I am a FB fan!
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I took my son to get his pictures done and I had him all pristine except the wait took so long that he finally did spit up all over (before the picture) and yes I forgot the burpcloth! ugg!!
the Thanksgiving Patchwork set is adorable-
Thank you all so much for all the lovely comments! the yellow and green piillowcase dress is one of my favories and so is the funky skirt glad to see its everyone elses as well!
lampshades and cute clothes!
At a movie with my newborn…urped all over me!….no burpcloth
I like the pink brown flower nursing cover
Erica B.
Erica B.
My daughter spit up at the grocery store everywhere and we didn’t have one!