Friday, December 18, 2009
This weeks Fabulous Friday Freebies are
We’re going out with a bang! Nitzia’s Designs is the last feature that will run on Seventh Smith in 2009. Im taking a bit of a hiatus from the Giveaways until the new year. I want to slow down. To quiet my heart. To take time to focus on the babe in Bethlehem and the Hope that is ours because of that first Christmas morning. Ill still be blogging Im sure (as that is often my outlet for what is stirred up in my heart) but there is no greater giveaway than what has already been Given through Jesus, and this is the joy that consumes me!
Our features will resume Friday January 8th. So ringing in the Holiday week, Nitzia’s Designs is offering gifts to three winners.
Giveaway #1 – A Tutu Bow Holder
What better way to organize your bows and ribbons, barrettes and clippies than adorning the hem of a tutu? Ingenious! Ive been on a search for the perfect bow holder for two years…I kid you not. I loved the personalized ones with initials, but with 4 daughters, didnt really want a montage of monograms looking like a locker-room lineup. I needed something that would cater to all of them and be large enough to support 50+ bows. I was smitten with Nitzia’s Designs original creation! Guess what I ordered them for Christmas?
Giveaway #2 – A Monogrammed Silky with Tags
Soft minky and satin is perfectly paired and embellished with taggies to entertain and intertwine little fingers. Nitzia’s Designs taggie blankets are a mom’s best friend too. Small enough to cart along with on-the go-babies and perfectly sized to carry through grocery stores, to church and on airplanes.
Giveaway #3 – A Monogrammed Anna Doll
There is nothing more endearing than baby’s first baby. I still have mine! The “Anna” doll is the timeless rag-doll style and can be monogrammed with your child’s name. Pretty and personalized, these lovies are classics and just may be that childhood comfort that bridges the gap and accompanies her to college one day.
You’ll find gobs of glorious gifts at Nitzia’s Designs with variety from pretty pillow case dresses to plush hooded towels. The motto of Nitzia’s Designs is “unique gifts designed by you“. Take their fabulous ideas and give them a personality all your own. Visit their fabric selection to mix and match dozens of patterns and prints to create that perfect gift for that special someone! Make a purchase before Christmas and receive 10% off when you mention Fabulous Friday Freebies.
You can leave up to 4 separate comments to increase your chances of winning
One of the 3 Giveaways from Nitzia’s Designs
The game rules are as follows.
(does not have to be in the following order).
For 1 entry:
Tell me in a comment which Nitzia’s Designs giveaway you would be most excited to win. Include your email address in a comment so I can contact you if you win.
For 2nd entry:
Share about your first baby doll. I’ll go first…mine was named “Angel” and I carried her everywhere. My mother had her refurbished and gave Angel to Abi when Izzy was born. Angel is still very much a part of our family!
For 3rd entry:
Visit Nitzia’s Designs blog and grab this cute button to add to your blog linking to their site. In a NEW comment share your blog address and let us know that you have their button.
For 4th entry:
Make a purchase from Nitzia’s Designs accessing your 10% discount. Leave a NEW comment telling me what you bought.
The winner will be drawn by a third party and announced after Christmas on this site.

I think I would be most excited to win the monogrammed silky with tags, because I think my son would like it the most! 🙂
Megan/supermegs28 at yahoo dot com
My first baby doll was my Cabbage Patch Doll, Felicia. I was SO excited to have my own CP doll, and my Nana even made special clothes for her! 🙂
Megan/supermegs28 at yahoo dot com
I also would love to win the monogrammed silky with tags…for my sweet nephew Caleb.
Okay…first baby doll…that I really remember…was Shelby (after Shelby from Steel Magnolias!). She was a cabbage patch doll and had a pink dress…I loved that doll so much!
My daughter would be over the moon for the tutu bow holder!
I think my first baby doll was a water baby! I LOVED that doll and carried it around EVERYWHERE! My daughter will be getting her first water baby this year for Christmas!
I think my first baby doll was a water baby! I LOVED that doll and carried it around EVERYWHERE! My daughter will be getting her first water baby this year for Christmas!
1) I would be most excited to win a hooded towel for my son! My daughter has one, but my son does not.
elizhuffman at gmail dot com
2) My first baby doll was a Cabbage Patch boy doll named that I named Coy. Unfortunately, I was 7 when my mom passed and my step dad sold all of her stuff (including that) in a garage sale. So all I have are memories and one picture of it. But he was a cute doll!
elizhuffman at gmail dot com
I’d probably like the Anna doll the best for my daughter.
The first doll that I remember was about the same size as me! I got her for Christmas when I was probably around 2 or 3 (I had dolls before, but I don’t remember anything about them). Being only a few feet tall, like doll was literally life-size. She was the same size as me when I held her and had pretty pink yarn hair. She’s still around my mom’s house somewhere I think. 🙂
Nichole Seiler:I would love the Monogrammed anna doll. It is so darling
Nichole SEiler: the first doll I remeber that I loved was a strawberry shortcake doll and she smelled so good.
I love the silky tag blanket, it will be perfect for our new little girl coming in the spring.
I would LOVE the tutu bow holder! All my girls bows are in a box. . .or spread across the floor if we’re looking for a specific bow. . .
Abigail –
my first baby doll that I remember was a large life size plastic baby doll. It had a very realistic face, but at some point before I can recall, I killed her hair and it all stood straight up. Her super original name? Big Dolly. 🙂
Abigail –
Got the button!
Abigail –
My first doll was a Cabbage Patch doll and her name was
I would be most excited about teh monogrammed silky with tags.
i would be most excited to win the doll! my niece would love this for her first birthday!
my first doll was a cabbage patch kid-cant remember which one but i will never forget that sewn belly button i was always wondering how they did that now that i sew i know 🙂
Kim Lambert. I would LOVE a tutu bow holder for my daughter’s room!
I am most excited about the monogamed anna doll.
My first doll was named Denise Lenae and my grandma made her for me.
I would be thrilled to win the bow holder. My Girls room is ecorate in the ballet theme and this would be perfect.
My first doll was a cabbage patch named Abbie. She now belongs to my oldest girl Maddie.
i love the anna doll and the Vonnie’s Bag.
my first doll was my bald cabbage patch doll named dee dee. she was my favorite. i took her everywhere. i still have her today.
I would love the monogrammed silky with tags because babies love them!
My first baby doll was a little soft plush doll in a pink outfit. I carried her everywhere I went.
I would be most excited to win the silky with tags. Derrick LOVES tags, so it would be perfect!
I don’t remember my FIRST baby doll, but my favorite (that I got pretty early) was named Catherine. She’s about the size of a 10 month old, and looks real. My mom gave it to us to keep (in case we ever have a girl?!) and my husband doesn’t like her because she looks “too real!” 🙂
I love her doll. It is so cute! I would love to win her!!
My first doll was the glow worm. I can still remember having it around the house through my pre teen years. Sadly glowie had been through a lot and needed to be put to rest. But he was my favorite for many years.
Silky tag is my must win. I love the idea of the baby having something soft to chew on or simply to play with.
My doll memory was not until I was much older. I never really wanted them as a child but as a teen I just could not resist the Barbie. She was to cute with all of her clothes and shoes. I had fun changing outfits for her. 😀
The doll would have a happy home with us. She is so adorable.
I had these handmade mexican dolls that were given to me by my grandma. They were the cutest things made of whatever my Grandma could gather from around the house. I wish I had kept one to show the ingenious of her but I played with them. They were always so much fun.
I would love the tutu bow holder. We have hairbows all over the house!
The first doll I remember having was a little plastic baby the I named “Baby Becca.”
I really like the monogrammed hooded towel.
I don’t remember my dolls names, but I loved playing with my cabbage patch dolls
I really like the tutu bow holder.
I would love to win the Anna doll for one of my daughters.
I would love to win the Bow Holder TUTU! Such a cute idea!
My first doll was a cabage patch doll named Haley! My mom still has it!
I already grabbed Nitzia button and added it to my blog!
Those are my last 3 comments, but I forgot to put my email addres…
The monogrammed Silky or the doll… gosh, it’s so hard to pick! Ok, I guess the doll! 🙂
I’m not sure! I had a lot of barbies and cabbage patch kid dolls though! 🙂
I would most love the pretty bow holder…such fun!
First baby doll…Nancy. Plastic and from a drugstore. Bought when my parents had no money. When I found her under the Christmas tree (so I am told), I was sure she was baby Jesus. Nancy was ALWAYS my favorite. Though I eventually had a large collection of Madame Alexander dolls, dolls who could walk and talk, dolls that were much more sophisticated, Nancy remained the favorite. I think I’ll go get Nancy from my mom’s house now! I kind of miss her!
LOVE the monogrammed silkies!! Darling!!
Silkies with tags…love, love, love!
Just wanted to tell you that was a beautifully written post! God bless you and yours!
Would LOVE to have the bow holder. I also have 4 girls and that would make finding the bow/flower to go in the hair SO much easier. Plus all my girls are little dancers. 🙂
eltigre 6 at aol dot com
I don’t remember my first doll, but a special doll I had was one that my mom made one year. Everyone was getting cabbage patch dolls for Christmas that year. We didn’t have the $ for cabbage patch dolls, so my mom made me and my younger sister dolls that looked like us. For the following Easter, she made dresses for the dolls that matched the one she had made us. When we go visit Nanna, my girls play with the dolls. Very sweet. I love my mom.
Added the button
the dancing frandsens dot blogspot dot com
It’s hard to choose. With three girls the bow holder would be great but I love the monogrammed silky and my 1 yr old would love to cuddle the baby doll. 🙂
my first doll I really remember was my cabbage patch- I knew that year they were hard to get to I was totally surprised that Christmas morning there was Paige Elbertina waiting for me.
I like the baby doll first, then the tag blanket, and then the hair bow holder
my first baby doll i still have her…her name is brittney karen and she is a cabbage patch doll. my mom got her for my first christmas!
I would love to win the sweet doll for my daughter! 🙂
Anne Molino
annemolino at hotmail dot com
My first doll was actually a musically turning doll, from my grandmother!
I posted her button!
I would love to win the hooded towel E-mail is
My first doll was not exactly a doll it was a bear that bear went every where with me for years and years the tub,pictures,I mean everywhere we were inseprable. I just called it bear I played with bears more than I did dolls. We still have it.