34 Weeks
Thursday, April 28, 2011
My Dr. said the goal was 32 weeks for Gabriella. We’ve made it well past that milestone and as uncomfortable as Im getting, Im so grateful for each and every day this little muffin can stay inside and “bake” until she’s “well done”. Monitoring of my heart continues to yield nothing but good reports for which we can only attribute to God’s answers to many prayers!
Ive felt great the past month. Enjoying the movement of this little one and feeling her little jam sessions inside me when Im finally ready to retire at the end of a long day. She’s ready to boogie. Some strange cravings. If you know me, you know I drink Coke only with popcorn or pizza on rare occasions. Last week, I singlehandedly consumed an entire 2 ltr. bottle by myself in about three days. Cant figure out why 4:00 every afternoon I found myself pouring an unhealthy beverage that I normally don’t even enjoy. I must be carrying her higher than any of my other babies because until two weeks ago, I could still wear my normal jeans. Now maternity shirts on the other hand, Ive been in since just about the day I took a pregnancy test:)
Getting very eager and anxious to meet this little girl! Noticed this week Im starting to tire much more easily. Slight tasks seem insurmountable. Climbing stairs, a marathon. Rolling over in bed, nearly impossible. My clothes don’t fit and I cant reach my toes to polish them. She’s taking over real estate that she has no intent to relinquish. Now the waiting game begins. We will discuss with my Dr. next week how long he will actually let me go. All my babies (including twins) I carried overdue, so taking her even a couple weeks early is going to be a whole new ballgame for us.
Ive been washing baby clothes today. So many precious memories from each of my babies wearing many of these sweet gowns and layette items. Its been bitter-sweet to see how many of the little outfits are stained… Evie had such severe reflux as a result of her four intubations in the first month of life, that she threw up on everything. Im talking projectile vomiting every single time she ate! Plus, she had to take these awful vitamins along with all her other medications. I cant remember what they were called, but it was black sticky syrup that smelled horrid. I tasted it once and could hardly stomach it myself…. small wonder she couldn’t. But boy did it stain!!! Ive been trying to get stains out and remembering what she wore home from the hospital following surgery….what gown I dressed her in her first day at church…what outfit we put her in for her newborn pictures….
Thought Id give you a little peek at Gabriella’s nursery nook. Im so excited to see her tucked in her new bedding and wearing these heirloom gowns that were mine when I was a baby!!
Cant wait to count fingers and toes and see if she has brown hair or blonde and if she, like all the others, has her daddy’s big blue eyes! Counting down….

And you still look as beautiful as ever! Can’t wait to see pics of your new blessing!
You look amazing! I really do hope that you are not doing ANYTHING extra for us.
I completely know how you feel about all of Evie’s clothes. First of all, Maggie’s were all stained too. I pulled them out for Evie to wear and she couldn’t wear most of them. Then, there’s the memories from each one. Some of them are precious memories and some are ones I’d like to forget. I plan on making her a lap quilt out of the special ones. I can’t wait to see pics of your new little one and hear about all your joys. It’s so amazing to have a healthy baby after our sick girl. There was so much of Maggie’s life that I didn’t have time to enjoy.
Hugs! Can’t wait to see you!
Your nursery is gorgeous! I love all of the monogrammed things. I have a slight obsession with all things monogrammed. đ Field had awful reflux too. And he also projectile vomited all of the time and he had to take the vitamins as well – they are called Poly-Vi-Sol, right? They were so yucky! What a blessing your sweet baby girl will be to your growing family. Congratulations!
You do look amazing, I would never guess your body gave birth to 6 children!
The nursery is gorgeous, and I can’t wait to see this baby!
You look wonderful and so beautiful!! So glad all is well with your health! The nursery is just darling. Your touches make it all so pretty.
To Gabriella:
Bake sweet muffin…till you are done and then we can’t wait to see your sweet face!!
You look so awesome! Seriously, your normal jeans until two weeks ago…OMG! đ
Can’t wait to meet your sweet girl!
I’ve followed your blog for awhile (just stumbled upon it). Your family is beautiful and I love your photography skills. I don’t normally comment but, have to know, where did you get those adorable baby shoes?